




出来事 低い推定 高い推定 相乗平均[1] 場所 開始 終了 期間 備考、関連
第二次世界大戦 60,000,000 118,357,000[2] 84,269,920 世界全体 1939


6年と1日 第二次世界大戦の犠牲者も参照
三国時代 36,000,000 40,000,000 37,947,332 中国 184 280 96年 学術的に、三国時代とは、220年に魏の国が成立し、280年に晋が呉の国を征服するまでの期間を指す。184年から220年までの「非公式な」期間は、中国各地での武将同士の無秩序な争いが特徴である。
モンゴル帝国による征服 30,000,000[3] 57,000,000[4][5][6][7][8][9][10] 34,641,016 ユーラシア 1206 1405 199年 モンゴル帝国Destruction under the Mongol Empireも参照
ヨーロッパ諸国によるアメリカ大陸の植民地化 8,400,000[11] 138,000,000 [12][信頼性要検証] 34,047,026 南北アメリカ 1492 1691 199年 死亡者数の推定値は、コロンブス以前の先住民の人口規模についての統一見解がないために異なっている。死亡率の90%は主に病気によるものである[注釈 1]。大規模な人口減少は小氷期をもたらした[15]
太平天国の乱 10,000,000[16] 100,000,000[17][18][19] 31,622,777 中国 1851 1864 14年 も参照
明清交替 25,000,000[20] 25,000,000 25,000,000 中国 1618 1683 65年 も参照
日中戦争 20,000,000 25,000,000 22,360,680 中国 1937 1945 8年 第二次世界大戦の一部。
安史の乱 13,020,000 36,000,000 21,633,308 中国 755 763 8年 安禄山の乱とも呼ばれる。
第一次世界大戦 17,500,000[21] 40,000,000+[22] 23,568,559 世界全体 1914 1918 4年3ヶ月1週
ティムールによる征服 8,000,000[23][24] 17,000,000[25][26] 12,649,111 中央アジア中東南アジア 1370 1405 35年 当時の世界人口の5%にまで及ぶ。
回民蜂起 8,000,000 12,000,000 9,797,959 1862 1877 15年 も参照
国共内戦 8,000,000[27] 11,692,000[28] 9,671,401 中国 1927 1949 22年
レコンキスタ 7,000,000 7,000,000 7,000,000 イベリア半島 711 1492 781年 一つの戦争とは考えられていない。
ロシア内戦 5,000,000 9,000,000[29] 6,708,204 ロシア 1917 1921 5年 ロシア革命List of civil warsも参照
三十年戦争 3,000,000[30] 11,500,000[31][信頼性要検証] 5,673,870 神聖ローマ帝国 1618 1648 30年 当初はカトリックプロテスタント宗教戦争であったが、ヨーロッパ全体の政治戦争となった。ヨーロッパの歴史の中で最も長く、最も破壊的な紛争の一つである[要出典]
デカン戦争 5,600,000 5,600,000 5,600,000 インド 1680 1707 27年
ナポレオン戦争 3,500,000[32]
7,000,000[33] 4,949,747 ヨーロッパ、大西洋、太平洋、インド洋 1803 1815 13年 Napoleonic Wars casualtiesも参照
黄巾の乱 3,000,000[34] 7,000,000[34] 4,582,576 中国 184 205 22年 三国時代の一部。
第二次コンゴ戦争 2,500,000[35] 5,400,000[36] 3,674,235 コンゴ民主共和国 1998 2003 6年
朝鮮戦争 1,500,000[37] 4,500,000[37] 3,000,000 朝鮮半島 1950 1953 4年 冷戦の一部と分類される。現在休戦中。
ユグノー戦争 2,000,000 4,000,000[38][信頼性要検証] 2,828,427 フランス 1562 1598 37年 カトリックユグノーフランスカルヴァン派プロテスタント)の間の大規模な宗教戦争
インド大反乱 800,000 10,000,000 2,828,427 インド 1857 1858 1年
百年戦争 2,300,000[39] 3,300,000[40] 2,754,995 西ヨーロッパ 1337 1453 116年 百年戦争の歴史 (1337-1360)

Caroline War (1369–1389)Lancastrian War (1415–1453)

ベトナム戦争 966,000[41] 3,800,000[42] 2,383,000 東南アジア 1955 1975 21年 冷戦第一次インドシナ戦争にあたる。
十字軍 1,000,000[43][信頼性要検証] 3,000,000[44][信頼性要検証] 2,000,000 パレスチナヨーロッパ 1095 1291 196年 キリスト教勢力による中東への遠征。
ビアフラ戦争 1,000,000 3,000,000[要出典] 2,000,000 ナイジェリア 1966 1970 4年 内戦によるイボ人の民族浄化。
ムフェカネ 1,500,000[45] 2,000,000[46] 1,750,000 南アフリカ 1816 1828 13年 Ndwandwe–Zulu War
ポエニ戦争 1,250,000[47] 1,850,000 1,520,691 地中海 264 BC 146 BC 118年 カルタゴ共和政ローマも参照
第二次スーダン内戦 1,000,000[48] 2,000,000 1,414,214 スーダン 1983 2005 23年 第一次スーダン内戦
秦の統一戦争 2,000,000 2,000,000[49] 2,000,000 中国 230 BC 221 BC 9年 中国の歴史も参照[50][51]
七年戦争 868,000 1,400,000 1,102,361 世界全体 1756 1763 7年
ソ連・アフガン戦争 600,000[52][信頼性要検証] 2,000,000[52][信頼性要検証] 1,095,445 アフガニスタン 1980 1988 9年 冷戦中の代理戦争とも言われる。


文禄・慶長の役 1,000,000[53] 1,000,000 1,000,000 朝鮮 1592 1598 7年
フランス革命戦争 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 世界全体 1792 1802 10年
メキシコ革命 500,000[54] 2,000,000[54] 1,000,000 メキシコアメリカ合衆国 1911 1920 10年 パンチョ・ビリャの蜂起とColumbus Raidを含む。
イタリアによるアフリカの角の征服 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 アフリカの角 1924 1940 16年
パンゼーの乱 890,000[要出典] 1,000,000 943,398 中国 1856 1873 18年
清教徒革命 876,000 876,000 876,000 ブリテン諸島 1639 1651 12年
メフメト2世による征服 873,000 873,000 873,000[citation needed] 東ヨーロッパ 1451 1481 30年
エチオピア内戦 500,000 1,500,000 866,025 エチオピア 1974 1991 17年
ユダヤ戦争 350,000 2,000,000 836,660 ローマ帝国 66 136 70年 ローマ帝国も参照
南北戦争 650,000 1,000,000 800,000 アメリカ合衆国南東部ペンシルベニア州 1861 1865 4年 アメリカ合衆国も参照
アルジェリア戦争 350,000 1,500,000 724,569 アルジェリア 1954 1962

7年4ヶ月2週4 日

スペイン継承戦争 400,000 1,251,000 707,389 ヨーロッパ北アメリカ南アメリカ 1702 1714 12年
スペイン内戦 500,000 1,000,000 707,107 スペイン 1936 1939 4年
八十年戦争 230,000 2,000,000 678,233 ネーデルラント南アメリカカリブ海東アジア東南アジア 1568 1648 80年
ガリア戦争 400,000[要出典] 1,000,000 632,445 フランス 58 BC 50 BC 9年 ローマ帝国も参照
イスパノアメリカ独立戦争 600,000 600,000 600,000 南北アメリカ 1808 1833 25年
パラグアイ戦争 300,000[56] 1,200,000[57] 600,000 コーノ・スール 1864 1870 7年 Military history of South America



イラン・イラク戦争 289,220[要出典] 1,100,000[要出典] 564,041 イラン・イラク国境 1980 1988 8年 イランの主張では、123,220人の軍人と11,000人の民間人。



1812年ロシア戦役 540,000 540,000 540,000 ロシア 1812 1812
5ヶ月, 2週6日 
シリア内戦 500,000 570,000 535,000 シリア 2011
イングランド内戦 356,000 735,000 511,527 イングランド 1642 1651 9年 三王国戦争の一部。
アンゴラ内戦 504,158 504,158 504,158 アンゴラ 1975 2002 27年
第一次スーダン内戦 500,000 500,000 500,000 スーダン 1955 1972 17年
対テロ戦争 480,000[58] 507,000[58] 493,500 世界全体 2001
イラク戦争アフガニスタン紛争 (2001年-)ワジリスタン紛争を含む。
アルビジョア十字軍 200,000 1,000,000 447,214 南フランス 1208 1229 21年
第一次コンゴ戦争 250,000 800,000 447,214 ザイール 1996 1997 1年
マラーター王国のベンガル侵攻 400,000 400,000 400,000 インド 1741 1751 10年
第一次インドシナ戦争 400,000 400,000 400,000 東南アジア 1946 1954 8年 単にインドシナ戦争とも呼ばれる。
継続戦争 387,333 387,333 387,333 北ヨーロッパ 1941 1944 3年 第二次世界大戦の一部。
ソマリア内戦 300,000 500,000 387,298 ソマリア 1986
クリミア戦争 356,000 410,000 382,047 クリミア半島 1853 1856 3年
イラク戦争 268,000[58] 461,000[59] 364,500 イラク 2003 2011 8年 Casualties of the Iraq Warも参照


第二次キューバ独立戦争 362,000 362,000 362,000 キューバ 1895 1898 3年
大北方戦争 350,000 350,000 350,000 北ヨーロッパ、東ヨーロッパ 1700 1721 21年
イタリア戦争 300,000 400,000 346,410 南ヨーロッパ 1494 1559 65年 イタリア大戦争とも呼ばれる。
アルジェリア侵略 300,000 300,000 300,000 アルジェリア 1829 1847 18年
ブルンジ内戦 300,000 300,000 300,000 ブルンジ 1993 2005 12年
ダルフール紛争 178,258 461,520 286,827 スーダン 2003
バングラデシュ独立戦争 26,000 3,000,000 500,000 東パキスタン 1971 1971 1年 Bangladeshi Genocide casualtiesも参照
第二次エチオピア戦争 278,350 278,350 278,350 エチオピア 1935 1936 1年
パプア紛争 150,000 400,000 244,949 ニューギニア 1963
第一次キューバ独立戦争 241,000 241,000 241,000 キューバ 1868 1878 10年 十年戦争とも呼ばれる。
米比戦争 234,000 234,000 234,000 フィリピン 1899 1912 13年
ベネズエラ独立戦争 228,000 228,000 228,000 ベネズエラ 1810 1823 13年 イスパノアメリカ独立戦争の一部。
ウガンダ内戦 100,000 500,000 223,607 ウガンダ 1981 1986 5年 ルウェロ戦争とも呼ばれる。
神の抵抗軍による反乱 100,000 500,000 223,607 中央アフリカ共和国 1987
仏蘭戦争 220,000 220,000 220,000 西ヨーロッパ 1672 1678 6年
コロンビア内戦 220,000 220,000 220,000 コロンビア 1964
イラク・クルド紛争 138,800 320,100 210,784 イラク 1918 2003 85年
スレイマン1世による遠征 200,000 200,000 200,000 東ヨーロッパ、中東、北アフリカ 1521 1566 25年
フランス・スペイン戦争 (1635年-1659年) 200,000 200,000 200,000 西ヨーロッパ 1635 1659 24年
カルリスタ戦争 200,000 200,000 200,000 スペイン 1820 1876 56年
ラ・ビオレンシア 192,700 194,700 193,697 コロンビア 1948 1958 10年
ミャンマーにおける内部紛争 130,000 250,000 180,278 ミャンマー 1948
カリンガ戦争 150,000 200,000 173,205 インド 262 BC 261 BC 2年
冬戦争 153,736 194,837 173,071 フィンランド 1939 1940 1年 第二次世界大戦の一部。
ギリシャ内戦 158,000 158,000 158,000 ギリシャ 1946 1949 3年
北イエメン内戦 100,000 200,000 141,421 イエメン 1962 1970 8年
1991年のイラクにおける反乱 85,000 235,000 141,333 イラク 1991 1991
バルカン戦争 140,000 140,000 140,000 バルカン半島 1912 1913 1年
英西戦争 (1585年-1604年) 138,285 138,285 138,285 ヨーロッパ、アメリカ 1585 1604 19年
サン=ドマング遠征 135,000 135,000 135,000 ハイチ 1802 1803 1年
ユーゴスラビア紛争 130,000 140,000 134,907 バルカン半島 1991 2001 10年
レバノン内戦 120,000 150,000 134,164 レバノン 1975 1990 15年
シエラレオネ内戦 50,000 300,000 122,474 シエラレオネ 1991 2002 11年
大トルコ戦争 120,000 120,000 120,000 東ヨーロッパ 1683 1699 16年
千日戦争 120,000 120,000 120,000 コロンビア 1899 1902 3年
モロ紛争 120,000 120,000 120,000 フィリピン 1969
中東戦争 116,074 116,074 116,074 中東 1948
メキシコ麻薬戦争 106,800 106,800 106,800 メキシコ 2006
アチェ戦争 97,000 107,000 101,877 インドネシア 1873 1914 41年 インドネシアでは異教徒戦争とも呼ばれる。
ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ紛争 97,214 104,732 100,903 ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ 1991 1995 4年 ユーゴスラビア紛争の一部。
ドイツ農民戦争 100,000 100,000 100,000 ドイツ 1524 1525 1年
トルコ・クルド紛争 100,000 100,000 100,000 中東 1921
コンゴ動乱 100,000 100,000 100,000 コンゴ共和国 1960 1965 5年
ラオスにおける内乱 100,000 100,000 100,000 ラオス 1975 2007 32年
キヴ紛争 100,000 100,000 100,000 コンゴ民主共和国 2004
14年 第二次コンゴ戦争の一部。
カシミール紛争 80,000 110,000 93,808 北インドパキスタン 1947
アルジェリア内戦 44,000 200,000 93,808 アルジェリア 1991 2002 11年
アンゴラ独立戦争 82,991 102,991 92,452 アンゴラ 1961 1974 13年
スリランカ内戦 80,000 100,000 89,443 スリランカ 1983 2009 26年
ポロ作戦 29,212 242,212 84,116 インド 1948 1948



出来事 低い推定 高い推定 相乗平均 場所 開始 終了 期間 備考
第二次世界大戦 29,000,000 30,500,000 29,074,054 世界全体 1939 1945 6 years 第二次世界大戦の犠牲者も参照
三光作戦 2,470,000 2,700,000 2,582,440 中国 1940 1942 2 years 1996年に発表された研究の中で、歴史家の姫田光義は、大日本帝国陸軍の対中焦土政策である「三光作戦」は、昭和天皇の認可のもとに実施されたものであり、間接的なものも含めると「270万人以上」の中国の民間人の死亡につながったと主張している。[60]
国共内戦 1,800,000 3,500,000[61] 2,509,980 中国 1927 1950 23 years 戦争中、国民政府軍中国共産党の両方が大規模な残虐行為を行い、何百万人もの非戦闘員が双方によって意図的に殺害された。[62]
第一次第二次スーダン内戦 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 スーダン 1956 2005 49 years [63]
ソ連・アフガン戦争 500,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 アフガニスタン 1979 1989 10 years ソ連侵攻時の民間人の大量殺人はジェノサイドとされることもあるが、政治的な整合性に基づいた殺害であるためpoliticideに分類される。[64][65]
張献忠の戦争犯罪 1,000,000 1,000,000[66] 1,000,000 中国四川省 1644 1646 2 years Committed during a bloody peasant revolt that massacred a large portion of Sichuan's population.[要出典]
軍閥時代 910,000 910,000 910,000 中国 1900 1927 27 years [28]
第二次エチオピア戦争 62,000[67][信頼性要検証] 485,000[67][信頼性要検証] 173,407 エチオピア 1935 1941 6 years Angelo Del Boca, The Ethiopian War 1935–1941 (1965), cites a 1945 memorandum from Ethiopia to the Conference of Prime Ministers, which tallies 760,300 natives dead; of them: battle deaths: 275,000, hunger among refugees: 300,000, patriots killed during occupation: 78,500, concentration camps: 35,000, Feb. 1937 massacre: 30,000, executions: 24,000, civilians killed by air force: 17,800.[要出典]
バグダードの戦い後のモンゴルによる虐殺 200,000[68] 2,000,000[69] 632,456 バグダード January 29, 1258 February 10, 1258 12 days Mass slaughter of civilians by the Mongols in Baghdad. Considered to be the end of the "Islamic Golden Age."
アンゴラ内戦 500,000 500,000 500,000 アンゴラ 1975 2002 27 years The 27-year war can be divided roughly into three periods of major fighting – 1975–91, 1992–94, and 1998 to 2002 – broken up by fragile periods of peace. By the time the MPLA achieved victory in 2002, more than 500,000 people had died and over one million had been internally displaced. The war devastated Angola's infrastructure, and severely damaged the nation's public administration, economic enterprises, and religious institutions.[要出典]
第二次世界大戦中の大日本帝国陸軍による生物兵器と人体実験 400,000 580,000[70] 481,664 ロシアと中国の一部。


1931 1945 14 years See also: Unit 731 and the Asian Holocaust.
マラーター王国のベンガル侵攻における戦争犯罪 400,000[71][72] 400,000[71][72] 400,000 インド 1741 1751 10 years Maratha Empire invaded Bengal Subah, occupied the western Bengal and Bihar regions, and perpetrated atrocities against the local population.[71][72]
ラ・ビオレンシア 200,000[73] 300,000[73] 244,949 コロンビア 1948 1958 10 years

La Violencia was a ten-year period of civil war and violence in Colombia from 1948–58, between the Colombian Conservative Party and the Colombian Liberal Party, fought mainly in the rural countryside.
Death toll may include non-civilian victims.

米比戦争 200,000 250,000 223,607 フィリピン 1899 1902 3 years [74][75][76][注釈 2]
マニラ大虐殺 100,000 500,000 223,607 フィリピン・マニラ 1945 1945 1 month [77][信頼性要検証][78][79][80]
コロンビア内戦 177,307 177,307 177,307 コロンビア 1964 present 54 years [81]
ヴァンデの反乱 100,000[82][83] 250,000[84][85] 158,114 フランス革命中のフランス 1793 1796 3 years Described as genocide by some historians,[83] but this claim has been widely discounted.[86] See also: French Revolution.
第一次第二次チェチェン紛争 55,000 330,000 134,722 チェチェン 1994 2009 15 years [87][88][89][90]


イラン・イラク戦争 61,000 282,000 131,156 イランイラク 1980 1988 8 years 11,000 to 100,000[93] civilians killed on both sides, plus 50 to 182 killed in Kurdish Genocide.
ジエム時代とベトナム戦争における南ベトナムによる戦争犯罪 57,000 284,000 127,232 ベトナム 1954 1975 21 years [94]
シリア内戦 106,390 110,218 108,287 シリア 2011 present 7 years See also: List of massacres during the Syrian Civil War
ベトコンの戦争犯罪 36,725[95] 227,000[96] 91,305 ベトナム 1955 1975 20 years
Second Italo-Senussi War 80,000 125,000 100,000 リビア 1923 1932 9 years Specific war crimes alleged to have been committed by the Italian armed forces against civilians include deliberate bombing of civilians, killing unarmed children, women, and the elderly; rape and disembowelment of women; throwing prisoners out of aircraft to their death, running over others with tanks, regular daily executions of civilians in some areas, and bombing tribal villages with mustard gas bombs, beginning in 1930.[要出典]
神の抵抗軍の戦争犯罪 100,000 100,000 100,000 ウガンダ中央アフリカ共和国コンゴ民主共和国 1986 2009 23 years The Guardian reported in 2015 that Kony's forces had been responsible for the deaths of over 100,000 people and the kidnapping of at least 60,000 children. Various atrocities committed include raping young girls and abducting them for use as sex slaves.[要出典]
民族イスラーム戦線の戦争犯罪 100,000 100,000 100,000 スーダン 1964 1999 35 years Alleged human rights abuses by the NIF regime included war crimes, ethnic cleansing, a revival of slavery, torture of opponents, and an unprecedented number of refugees fleeing into Uganda, Kenya, Eritrea, Egypt, Europe and North America.[97]
パプア紛争 100,000[98] 100,000[99] 100,000 西パプア 1963 present 55 years Since Indonesia has taken control of West Papua in 1963, the population of West Papua has recorded more than 100,000 unnatural deaths. The administration of West Papua has been called a police state.[要出典]
カシミール紛争 47,000[100] 100,000[101] 68,556 インド


1947 present 71 years See also: Human Rights Abuses in Jammu and Kashmir, Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir, List of massacres in Jammu and Kashmir
南京事件 13,000[102]
中国 南京 1937 1938 1 year The Nanking Massacre, commonly known as the Rape of Nanking, was a war crime committed by the Japanese military in Nanjing, then capital of the Republic of China, after it fell to the Imperial Japanese Army on December 13, 1937.
See: Death toll of the Nanking Massacre.
ペルー内戦 61,007[105] [see notes] 77,552[see notes] 68,784[see notes] ペルー 1980 2000 20 years In the late 20th century, the Peruvian government (armed forces and civil rondas) fought against communist terrorists in Peru. The principal actors in the war were the Communist Party of Peru or "Shining Path" and the government of Peru; the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement was also involved and other paramilitary entities. Peru's Truth and Reconciliation Commission reached a figure of approx. 68,784 deaths and disappearances, of which 54% were ascribed to Shining Path, 1.5% to Tupac Amaru and 37% to State officials, who were also responsible for 83% of reported cases of sexual violence, and systematic use of torture. An academic research published in 2019 contests the Commission's methodology, reaching a total figure of approx. 47,849, of which 27,872 were victims of State officials, 18,341 of the Shining Path, and 1,636 by all other actors.[106][107]

15,000 20,000[108]

40,000 250,000[109]

24,495 70,711

トルコ 1925 1925 1 month The Sheikh Said Rebellion was a rebellion to revive the Islamic Caliphate System, and used elements of Kurdish nationalism for recruiting.[110] It was led by Sheikh Said and a group of former Ottoman soldiers, known as Hamidiye soldiers. The rebellion was of two Kurdish groups, the Zaza people and the speakers of the related Kurmanji dialect of Kurdish: it "was led specifically by the Zaza population and received almost full support in the entire Zaza region and some of the neighbouring Kurmanji-dominated regions".[111]
ISIL イラクシリアアフガニスタンリビアフィリピンナイジェリアの他にも世界全体で散発的にテロが発生 2014 present 7 years ISIS has existed as an active terrorist organization in one form or another since at least 2003. Many tens of thousands of casualties in the Iraqi wars of the 21st century can be attributed to them and their parent organizations. See also the death tolls from 2014 onwards in International military intervention against ISIL
スリランカ内戦 7,000[112] 40,000[113] 16,733 スリランカ 1983 2009 26 years There are allegations that war crimes were committed by the Sri Lankan military and the rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (Tamil Tigers) during the Sri Lankan Civil War, particularly during the final months of the Eelam War IV phase in 2009. The alleged war crimes include attacks on civilians and civilian buildings by both sides; executions of combatants and prisoners by both sides; enforced disappearances by the Sri Lankan military and paramilitary groups backed by them; acute shortages of food, medicine, and clean water for civilians trapped in the war zone; and child recruitment by the Tamil Tigers.[114][115]
テッサロニキ攻略(904) 15,000 15,000[116] 15,000 東ローマ帝国 904 904 ? The sack of the second city of the Byzantine Empire by a Muslim fleet under the command of Leo of Tripoli. In addition to the thousands killed, the Saracen fleet also took 20,000 Greek slaves.[要出典]
イラン・イラク戦争中のイランによる少年兵の使用 6,000 18,000 10,392 イラン 1980 1988 8 years 3% of two to six hundred thousand casualties.[117][118][119][120][121][122][123][124][125][126]
アルジェリア内戦中の虐殺 10,000 10,000 10,000 アルジェリア 1991 2002 11 years [127][128]
シリア内戦におけるロシア軍の介入 8,085 8,085 8,085 シリア September 2015 present 4 years [129] See also: Russian military intervention in the Syrian Civil War.
バローチースターンでの紛争 7,628 7,628 7,628 パキスタン


1937 present 81 years [130][信頼性要検証][131][132]
アメリカ同時多発テロ事件 2,977 2,977 2,977 アメリカ合衆国 September 11, 2001 September 11, 2001 1 day [133]
ドンバスにおける内戦 2,000 2,000 2,000 ウクライナ


2014 present 4 years [134]
サブラー・シャティーラ事件 460[135] 3,500[136] 1,269 レバノン・西ベイルート September 16, 1982 September 18, 1982 2 days Massacre of a Palestinian refugee camp by Lebanese Christians.
ピロー砦の戦い 235 235 235 ローダーデール郡 (テネシー州) April 12, 1864 April 12, 1864 1 day Death toll includes both U.S. and Confederate dead. U.S. dead includes those both killed in combat and murdered by the Confederates afterwards.
ローレンスの虐殺 204 204 204 ダグラス郡 (カンザス州) August 21, 1863 August 21, 1863 1 day Death toll includes both U.S. and Confederate dead. Deadliest terrorist attack in U.S. history until the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995.



出来事 低い推定 高い推定 相乗平均[1] 場所 開始 終了 期間 備考
東部総合計画 13,684,700 40,000,000 23,396,324 ナチス・ドイツ占領下のヨーロッパとロシア 1939 1945 6 years ナチス・ドイツによるスラブ民族とソビエト連邦市民の絶滅政策。


アメリカ先住民虐殺 2,000,000[137] 138,000,000[12](mostly by disease)[信頼性要検証] 16,613,248 南北アメリカ 1492 1996[138][139][140][141] 504 years アメリカ先住民の虐殺の総死亡者数はまだ完全には把握されていないが、多くのアメリカ先住民が死亡した。

強制労働、戦争、および虐殺により数千から数百万人が殺害されている。 南北アメリカで懸賞金のため殺害されたアパッチの数は不明。


ホロコースト 4,200,000[142] 6,300,000[143][144] 5,143,928 ナチス・ドイツ占領下のヨーロッパ 1941 1945 4 years ドイツとドイツ植民地におけるユダヤ人の組織的な大量虐殺。
ホロドモール 2,711,000 7,811,000 4,601,698 ウクライナ 1932 1933 1 year 「ホロドモール」は一般に人為的な飢饉を指す。 現地在住のウクライナ人が所持する穀物の量や民族移動を制限した。





ポーランド人に対するナチスの犯罪 2,770,000 2,770,000 2,770,000 ポーランド 1941 1945 4 years Genocide of Christian Poles during the invasion of Poland by Germany.
三光作戦 2,470,000 2,700,000 2,582,440 中国 1940 1942 2 years In a study published in 1996, historian Mitsuyoshi Himeta claims that the Three Alls Policy, a scorched earth policy implemented by the Imperial Japanese Army on China, sanctioned by Emperor Hirohito himself, was both directly and indirectly responsible for the deaths of "more than 2.7 million" Chinese civilians.[要出典]– Part of the Japanese war crimes
カンボジア大虐殺 1,386,734[145] 3,400,000[146] 2,171,381 カンボジア 1975 1979 4 years Deaths due to arbitrary torture, execution, starvation, and forced labor among the population of Cambodia under the rule of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, including both killings of ethnic Khmer (the majority ethnic group) as well as a genocide of religious and ethnic minorities by the Khmer Rouge.

Minimum death toll is the number of corpses found in the Killing Fields.[要出典]
Samuel Totten argues the mass killings were committed by fellow Khmer, and the Khmer were killed more in proportion to their population than other victims of the Khmer Rouge, making it more of a politicide.[147]

These killings have been described as autogenocide or civil genocide.

According to Samuel Totten 1,325,000 ethnic Khmers were killed.

ルワンダ虐殺とブルンジ虐殺 905,000 1,595,000 1,234,190 ブルンジルワンダザイール 1959 1997 38 years Combined death toll of all genocides and other massacres between the Hutus and the Tutsis.

Regarded as the most efficient genocide of the 20th century, the Rwandan genocide was the disorganized communal mass murder of Tutsis, by their rival tribe the Hutu through the Rwandan government and Hutu Power militias such as the Interahamwe and Impuzamugambi.[要出典]

Violence peaked in the hundred days between April 7, 1994 and July 15, 1994, during which time between 500,000 and 1,000,000 people were killed.[要出典]

ソ連による強制移住 1,000,000 1,500,000 1,224,745 ソビエト連邦 1920 1951 31 years May include casualties of decossackization.
ドイツ人追放 500,000 3,000,000 1,224,745 東ヨーロッパ 1944 1950 6 years Both direct and indirect deaths of ethnic German civilians and POWs during the redrawing of national borders after World War II.
カザフスタンの飢饉 1,500,000 2,300,000 1,857,418 カザフスタン 1932 1933 1 year – Part of the Soviet famine of 1932–33
アルメニア人虐殺 800,000 1,500,000 1,095,445 オスマン帝国 1914 1918 4 years The first genocide of the 20th century to kill over 1,000,000 people, this event was conducted by the Young Turks government of the Ottoman Empire under the administration of Talaat Pasha, Enver Pasha and Djemal Pasha.
ハザーラ人の迫害 400,000[148] 2,500,000[149] 1,000,000 アフガニスタン 1888 1893 5 years Over 60% of the Hazara population were either massacred or displaced in Abdur Rahman Khan's crackdown of the Hazaras.
土客械闘 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 中国 1850 1867 17 years After the fall of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom the Qing government cracked down on the Hakka ethnic group for allying with the kingdom slaughtering 30,000 per day. The death toll of the Punti-Hakka Clan Wars is estimated to be 1,000,000 and there was also a mass execution done during the Taiping Rebellion. It is unclear whether these events refer to the Qing crackdown. If this death toll is applied to the estimated death rate, the massacre likely took place over the course of a month.[150][151][152]
フランスのアルジェリア征服 500,000 1,000,000 707,107 アルジェリア 1827 1875 48 years Within the first three decades, the French military massacred between half a million to one million from approximately three million Algerian people.[153]
インド・パキスタン分離独立 200,000 2,000,000 632,456 インド 1947 1957 10 years In the riots which preceded the partition in the Punjab Province, it is believed that between 200,000 and 2,000,000 people were killed in the retributive genocide between Hindus and Muslims.[154][155][156]
ジュンガル虐殺 480,000 600,000 536,656 ジュンガル 1755 1758 3 years The mass extermination of Dzungar Mongols by the Qing dynasty under the order of the Qianlong Emperor.
ギリシア人虐殺 289,000 750,000 465,564 オスマン帝国 1913 1922 9 years Violent ethnic cleansing of Greeks from their historical homeland of Anatolia.
クロアチア独立国におけるセルビア人虐殺 200,000[157] 1,000,000[157] 447,214 クロアチア独立国 1941 1945 4 years Genocide of Serbs by the Ustaše government of the Independent State of Croatia
チェルケス人虐殺 400,000 500,000 447,214 チェルケシア 1864 1867 3 years Deaths from mass expulsion of Circassians after Russian conquest.
アルビジョア十字軍 200,000[158][信頼性要検証] 1,000,000[158][信頼性要検証] 447,214 ラングドック(フランス) 1209 1229 20 years Raphael Lemkin, well known as the coiner of the term "genocide", referred to the Albigensian Crusade as "one of the most conclusive cases of genocide in religious history".[159]
ソ連によるポーランド人殺害 260,000 750,000 441,588 ソビエト連邦、ポーランド 1937 1946 9 years [160]
ブラジルにおける先住民虐殺 235,000 800,000 433,590 ブラジル 1900 1985 85 years [161][信頼性要検証] – Part of the Genocide of indigenous peoples in the Americas
チベットの占領 144,000[162] 1,200,000[163] 415,692 チベット 1950 present 68 years In 1960, the western-based nongovernmental International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) gave a report titled Tibet and the Chinese People's Republic to the United Nations. The report was prepared by the ICJ's Legal Inquiry Committee, composed of eleven international lawyers from around the world. This report accused the Chinese of the crime of genocide in Tibet, after nine years of full occupation, six years before the devastation of the cultural revolution began.[要文献特定詳細情報] The ICJ also documented accounts of massacres, tortures and killings, bombardment of monasteries, and extermination of whole nomad camps. Declassified Soviet archives provides data that Chinese communists, who received a great assistance in military equipment from the Soviets, broadly used Soviet aircraft for bombing monasteries and other punitive operations in Tibet.[164]Template:Quote needed
ポライモス(ロマ虐殺) 220,000 500,000 331,662 ナチス占領下のヨーロッパ 1941 1945 4 years The genocide of Romani by Nazi Germany and its puppet states.


3,000,000[166] 279,285 東パキスタン March 21, 1971 December 16, 1971 8 months, 2 weeks and 3 days See also: Bangladesh Liberation War, Operation Searchlight, List of massacres in Bangladesh, Rape during the Bangladesh Liberation War
クメール・ルージュによる中国人虐殺 215,000[147][信頼性要検証] 225,000 219,943 カンボジア 1975 1979 4 years More than half of the Chinese population of Cambodia were slaughtered by the Khmer Rouge.[167]– Part of the Cambodian genocide
アッシリア人虐殺 150,000 300,000 212,132 オスマン帝国 1914 1920 6 years One of the various genocides and ethnic cleansings the Ottoman Empire committed under the administration of the Young Turks.
クメール・ルージュによるカンボジア虐殺 90,000[147] 500,000[168] 212,132 カンボジア 1975 1979 4 years The genocide slaughtered over 70% of the Cham Muslim population in Cambodia according to themselves.

According to Ben Kiernan, Cham were subjected to the most brutal treatment of those persecuted by the Khmer Rouge and subjected to the slaughter of 36% of their population according to Samuel Totten.[要出典]

– Part of the Cambodian genocide

第一次コンゴ戦争におけるフツ難民の虐殺 200,000 220,000[169] 209,762 ザイール 1996 1997 1 year During the First Congo War, Rwanda was able to destroy refugee camps, which the génocidaires had been using as their safe-bases, and forcibly repatriate Tutsi to Rwanda. During this process, Rwandan and aligned forces committed multiple atrocities, mainly against Hutu refugees. The true extent of the abuses is unknown because the AFDL and RPF carefully managed NGO and press access to areas where atrocities were thought to have occurred;[170] however, Amnesty International claimed as many as 200,000 Rwandese Hutu refugees were massacred by them and the Rwandan Defence Forces and aligned forces.[171] The United Nations similarly documented mass killings of civilians by Rwandan, Ugandan and the ADFL soldiers in the DRC Mapping Exercise Report.[要出典]
Extermination of the Wu Hu 200,000 200,000 200,000 中国北部 350 351 1 year Ancient Chinese texts record that General Ran Min ordered the extermination of the Wu Hu, especially the Jie people, during the Wei–Jie war in the fourth century AD. People with racial characteristics such as high-bridged noses and bushy beards were killed; in total, 200,000 were reportedly massacred.[172]
クロムウェルのアイルランド侵略 200,000 200,000 200,000 アイルランド 1649 1653 4 years The Parliamentarian reconquest of Ireland was brutal, and Cromwell is still a hated figure in Ireland.[173] The extent to which Cromwell, who was in direct command for the first year of the campaign, was responsible for the atrocities is debated to this day. Some historians[174] argue that the actions of Cromwell were within the then-accepted rules of war, or were exaggerated or distorted by later propagandists. These arguments, in turn, have been challenged by others.[175]
Caste War of Yucatán 200,000 200,000 200,000 ユカタン半島, メキシコ 1847 1901 54 years The Caste War of Yucatán against the population of European descent, called Yucatecos, who held political and economic control of the region. Adam Jones wrote, "Genocidal atrocities on both sides cost up to 200,000 killed."[176]– Part of the Genocide of indigenous peoples in the Americas
Great Famine of Mount Lebanon 200,000 200,000 200,000 レバノン山脈 1915 1918 3 years One of the various genocides and ethnic cleansings the Ottoman Empire committed under the administration of the Young Turks.
第三次ポエニ戦争 150,000[177] 250,000[178] 193,649 チュニジア 149 BC 146 BC 3 years This war was a much smaller engagement than the two previous Punic Wars and focused on Tunisia, mainly on the Siege of Carthage, which resulted in the complete destruction of the city, the annexation of all remaining Carthaginian territory by Rome, and the death or enslavement of the entire Carthaginian population. The Third Punic War ended Carthage's independent existence.
Destruction of Kurdish villages during the Iraqi Arabization campaign 87,500 388,100 184,279 イラク 1977 1991 14 years 87,500 to 388,100 Kurds were killed in the destruction of Kurdish villages during the Iraqi Arabization campaign including: 2,500[179] to 12,500[179] in the Ba'athist Arabization campaigns in North Iraq, 10,000[180] to 25,000[181][182][要説明] were killed during the Feyli Kurds operation, 5,000[183] to 8,000[184] Kurds were disappeared in the

1983 Barzani killings, 50,000[185] to 100,000[185] (although Kurdish sources have cited a higher figure of 182,000[186]) more Kurds were massacred in the Anfal genocide, and at least 20,000[187] were killed during the 1991 Iraqi uprising notwithstanding an additional 48,400[188] to 140,600[188] Kurdish refugees that starved to death along the Iranian and Turkish borders.

  • 63,000[189]
  • 10,000 (Sudan)[190]
  • 450,000[191]
  • 300,000 (U.N.)[192]
  • 168,375 (non-government estimates)
  • 54,772 (government estimates)
ダルフール, スーダン 2003 present 15 years The War in Darfur is a major armed conflict in the Darfur region of Sudan that began in February 2003 when the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) and Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) rebel groups began fighting the government of Sudan, which they accused of oppressing Darfur's non-Arab population.[193][194] The government responded to attacks by carrying out a campaign of ethnic cleansing against Darfur's non-Arabs. This resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians and the indictment of Sudan's president Omar al-Bashir for genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court.[195]
Polish Operation of the NKVD 110,000 250,000 165,831 ソビエト連邦 1937 1938 1 year The operation from 1937 to 1938 to eliminate the Polish minority in the Soviet Union.
Deportation of the Chechens and Ingush 123,000[196] 200,000[197] 156,843 ソビエト連邦 February 1944 March 1944 1 month Expulsion of the whole of the Vainakh (Chechen and Ingush) populations of the North Caucasus to Central Asia.
Hamidian Massacres 80,000 300,000 154,919 オスマン帝国 1894 1896 2 years Mass murder of Armenian (and other Christian) civilians under Sultan Abdul Hamid II that foreshadowed the Armenian Genocide.
Indonesian occupation of East Timor 60,000[198] 308,000[199] 135,941 東ティモール 1974 1999 25 years The civilian deaths under the Indonesian occupation of East Timor, including killings, disappearances, and deaths caused by conflict-related hunger and illness,[200] resulted in an enormous proportional loss of life upon the island some estimating as high as 13% up to almost a third to almost 44% of the population.[199][201][202]
Massacres of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia 60,000[203][204][205] 300,000[206] 134,164 ヴォルィーニEastern Galicia 1943 1944 1 year Genocide[207][208] of Polish civilian population in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA).[209][210][211][212][213]
1972 Genocide of Burundian Hutus 80,000 210,000 129,615 ブルンジ 1972 1972 ? Communal mass murder of Hutus by their rival tribe the Tutsi in Burundi.

– Part of the Rwandan and Burundian genocides

Anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire 52,000 254,500 115,039 ロシア帝国 1903–1906 1917–1922 19 years The massacres of Jews in the Russian Empire reached their peak in the early 20th century, through the killing of thousands from 1903 to 1906[214] and tens to hundreds of thousands from 1917 to 1922.[215]
Kurdish Rebellions in Turkey 33,835 357,000 109,905 トルコ 1921 present 97 years All casualties from the various Kurdish uprisings against the Turkish state.
Deportation of the Crimean Tatars 100,000 100,000 100,000 ソビエト連邦 1944 1945 1 year Often considered an ethnic cleansing, and Ukraine considers the event genocide.
Massacres of European colonists during the rebellions of Túpac Amaru II and Túpac Katari 100,000 100,000 100,000 ペルー 1780 1782 2 years The indigenous rebellions of Túpac Amaru II and Túpac Katari against the Spanish between 1780 and 1782, cost over 100,000 colonists' lives in Peru and Upper Peru (present-day Bolivia).[226]
Spanish repressions of Dutch Protestants 100,000 100,000 100,000 ネーデルラント 1566 1609 43 years 100,000 massacred under Charles V and Philip II during the Eighty Years' War.[227]
Al-Anfal genocide[228] 50,000[228] 182,000[186] 95,394 イラク[228] 1986 1989 3 years The Kurdish genocide led by Ali Hassan al-Majid under the order of Saddam Hussein.
Atrocities against Harkis after the Algerian War 50,000[229] 150,000[229] 86,603 アルジェリア 1962 ? ? The Harkis were seen as traitors by many Algerians, and many of those who stayed behind suffered severe reprisals after independence. French historians estimate that somewhere between 50,000 and 150,000 Harkis and members of their families were killed by the FLN or by lynch mobs in Algeria, often in atrocious circumstances or after torture.[要出典]
T4作戦 70,273 93,521 81,068 ナチス・ドイツ 1939 1941 2 years A euthanasia program in Nazi Germany used to purge those deemed genetically deficient.
Italian Pacification of Libya 80,000 80,000 80,000 リビア 1923 1932 9 years [230]
グアテマラ虐殺 35,000 166,000 76,223 グアテマラ 1960 1996 36 years According to the Historical Clarification Commission, 140,000 to 200,000 were killed or disappeared, and at least 42,275 were killed by human rights violations during the Guatemalan Civil War, of which 93% were from officially sanctioned government terror and 83% of the victims were Maya.

– Part of the Genocide of indigenous peoples in the Americas

Racial violence during the Rwandan Revolution

50,000 Hutus and tens of thousands of Tutsis

ブルンジ、ルワンダ 1959 1962 3 years [231]
Indian annexation of Hyderabad 27,000 200,000 73,485 ニザーム王国, インド 1948 1948 5 days [232][233]
Decossackization 5,000[234] 1,000,000[235] 70,711 Former Russian Empire 1917 1933 16 years Violent class purge, ethnic cleansing, and mass murder of Cossacks, especially Kuban and Don Cossacks, by the Bolsheviks.
Effacer le tableau 60,000 70,000 64,807 コンゴ民主共和国 1998 2003 5 years Pygmy peoples were murdered en masse as they were regarded as subhumans.[要出典]
ヘレロ・ナマクア虐殺 34,000 110,000 61,156 ドイツ領南西アフリカ 1904 1907 3 years Genocides of the Herero and Nama peoples by the German Empire during the Herero Wars.
Ethnic cleansing and genocide committed by all sides during the Yugoslav Wars 52,856 64,917 58,577 ユーゴスラビア 1991 2001 10 years All civilians killed in the Yugoslav Wars including events such as the Srebrenica Massacre, Žepa Massacre, Lašva Valley ethnic cleansing, and other atrocities.

69.8% to 82% of civilian victims of the Bosnian War were Bosniak. During the War in Croatia, 43.4% of the killed on the Croatian side were civilians.[236]

アメリカ合衆国のインディアン戦争 49,000 64,000 56,000 アメリカ合衆国 1511 1890 389 years From the U.S. Bureau of the Census (1894): "The Indian wars under the government of the United States have been more than 40 in number. They have cost the lives of about 19,000 white people, including those killed in individual combats, and the lives of about 30,000 Indians. The actual number of killed and wounded Indians must be very much higher than the given ... Fifty percent additional would be a safe estimate ..."[要出典] Part of the Genocide of indigenous peoples in the Americas.[要出典]
Massacres of Polish civilians during the Warsaw Uprising 50,000 60,000[243][244] 54,772 ポーランド

August 5, 1944 || August 12, 1944

1 week Polish fatalities in districts of Wola and Ochota committed during Warsaw Uprising
1993 Genocide of Burundian Tutsis 50,000 50,000 50,000 ブルンジ 1993 1993 ? Communal mass murder of Tutsis by their rival tribe the Hutu in Burundi.

– Part of the Rwandan and Burundian genocides

近世の魔女裁判 20,000 100,000 44,721 ヨーロッパ 1400 1800 300 years [245][信頼性要検証]
British concentration camps during the Second Boer War 26,000 40,000 32,249 トランスヴァール共和国 1900 1902 2 years Lord Kitchener led the British army against the Boer Republics in the Second Boer War in Southern Africa. In an attempt to pacify Boer guerrillas, he targeted their families, and 116,000 Boer women and children were captured and jailed by the British, Within 2 years, 22,074 children died and 4,177 women died due to deliberate neglect by the British. 115,000 black people were separately jailed, of whom 15,000 died in prison camps.[246]
Great Fire of Smyrna 10,000[247][248] 100,000[249][250] 31,623 イズミル, オスマン帝国

September 9, 1922

September 24, 1922

15 days Fires set during attacks on Greeks and Armenians by Turkish mobs and military forces in Smyrna at the end of the Greco-Turkish War (1919–1922).

The violence and fires resulted in the destruction of the Greek and Armenian portions of the city and the massacre of their populations.

After the attacks, 30,000 Greek and Armenian men left behind were deported by Turkish forces, many of whom were subsequently killed.[要出典]

Massacres of Kyrgyz people during the Central Asian revolt of 1916 3,000 270,000 28,460 キルギス 1916 1916 7 months In 1916, there was an uprising and crackdown of Kyrgyzstanis against and by Tsarist Russia in what is now known as the Urkun.

A public commission in Kyrgyzstan called the crackdown of 1916 that killed 100,000 to 270,000 Kyrgyzstanis a genocidethough Russia rejected this characterization.[251]

Russian sources put the death toll at 3,000.[252]

Captivity of Mangalorean Catholics at Seringapatam 10,000 65,000 25,495 Canara 1784 1799 15 years A 15-year imprisonment of Mangalorean Catholics and other Christians at Seringapatam in the Indian region of Canara by Tipu Sultan, the de facto ruler of the Kingdom of Mysore.[要出典]
1988 Burundian massacre of Hutus 25,000 25,000 25,000 ブルンジ 1988 1988 ? [231]– Part of the Rwandan and Burundian genocides
Parsley massacre 17,000[253][254] 35,000[253][254] 24,393 ドミニカ共和国 October 2, 1937 October 8, 1937 6 days Genocidal massacre of people who say perejil (Spanish: "parsley") in a French accent in order to determine if they are Afro-Haitian or Afro-Dominican.
Australian frontier wars 22,000 22,500 22,249 オーストラリア 1788 1934 146 years Wars between Indigenous Australians and settlers in which about 20,000 aboriginal were massacred, along with two to 2,500 settlers dying in combat.[要出典]See also: List of massacres of Indigenous Australians
Ethnic cleansing of Georgians in Abkhazia 17,000 28,000 21,817 アブハジアジョージア 1992 1993 1 year The ethnic cleansing of Georgians in Abkhazia,[255][256][257][258][259][260][261][262][263][264][265][266] also known as the "massacres of Georgians in Abkhazia",[267][268] and "genocide of Georgians in Abkhazia"[269] Refers to ethnic cleansing,[270] massacres[271] and forced mass expulsion of thousands of ethnic Georgians
Dersim Massacre 7,594 40,000 17,429 デルスィム, トルコ 1937 1937 8 months The Dersim massacre was a massacre of Kurdish people (Alevi Kurmanj and Zaza) by the Turkish government in the Dersim region of eastern Turkey, which includes parts of Tunceli Province, Elazığ Province, and Bingöl Province.[272][273][274][275][276][277][278] The massacre occurred after a rebellion led by Seyid Riza against the Turkification policies of the Turkish government.[279] As a result of the Turkish military campaign against the rebellion, thousands of Alevi Zazas[280] died and many others were internally displaced due to the conflict.

– Part of the Kurdish Rebellions in Turkey

1966 anti-Igbo pogrom 10,000 30,000 17,321 ナイジェリア May 29, 1966 October 1966 4 months, 2 days [281]
Indian massacres in the United States frontiers 16,349 16,349 16,349 アメリカ合衆国 1511 1890 379 years It is difficult to determine the total number of people who died as a result of Indian massacres. However, one book, The Wild Frontier: Atrocities during the American-Indian War from Jamestown Colony to Wounded Knee, presents an estimate by counting every recorded atrocity in the area that would eventually become the continental United States, from first contact (1511) to the closing of the frontier (1890). The parameters were limited to the intentional and indiscriminate murder, torture, or mutilation of civilians, the wounded, and prisoners. The results revealed that 7,193 people died from atrocities perpetrated by those of European descent, and 9,156 people died from atrocities perpetrated by Native Americans.[282]– Part of the Genocide of indigenous peoples in the Americas
Persecution of Biharis in Bangladesh 1,000 150,000[283][284] 12,247 バングラデシュ 1971 1971 ? Most extreme episode of the massacres of Biharis by Bengali mobs
Gukurahundi 3,750[285] 30,000[286] 10,607 ジンバブエ 1983 1987 5 years Ethnic cleansing and executions of members of the Ndebele by the Robert Mugabe's Fifth Brigade.
クメール・ルージュによるベトナム人虐殺 10,000[147] 10,000 10,000 カンボジア 1975 1979 4 years 100% of the Vietnamese in Cambodia were slaughtered during the genocide, according to Samuel Totten.

– Part of the Cambodian genocide

クメール・ルージュによるタイ人虐殺 8,000[147] 8,000 8,000 カンボジア 1975 1979 4 years 40% of Thai in Cambodia were killed during the Cambodian genocide according to Samuel Totten.

– Part of the Cambodian genocide

1946 Bihar riots 2,000 30,000 7,746 ビハール州, インド October 30, 1946 November 7, 1946 8 days Killings of Bihari Muslims by Bengali Hindus in retaliation to the Direct Action Day riots.[287][288]
Noakhali riots 5,000 10,000 7,071 ベンガル地方, インド October 1946 November 1946 1 month Killings of Bengali Hindus by Bengali Muslims in retaliation to the Direct Action Day riots.
Sétif and Guelma massacre 1,020 45,000 6,775 アルジェリア 1945 1945 ? [229]
Deaths of indigenous children in the Canadian residential schools system 3,201[289][290] 32,010 17,606 カナダ 1876 1996 120 years [138][139][140][291][292][141][293][294]– Part of the Genocide of indigenous peoples in the Americas
Genocide of native Tasmanians 3,000 15,000 6,708 オーストラリア 1803 1905 102 years After the death of Fanny Cochrane Smith there were no non-mixed raced Tasmanians left in the world.[要出典]
Massacres of Arabs and Indians during the Zanzibar Revolution 2,000 20,000 6,325 ザンジバル 1964 1964 ? Thousands of Arabs and Indians were massacred during the Zanzibar Revolution
1964 East Pakistan riots 5,590 5,690 5,640 東パキスタン January 2, 1964 March 28, 1964 2 months, 26 days All casualties from the various riots in East Pakistan during the year 1964.
  • Khulna: 200–300
  • Dhaka: 1,000
  • Narayangang: 3,500
  • Bhulta: 267
  • Golkandi: 623
Simele massacre 5,000[295] 6,000[296][297] 5,477 イラク August 7, 1933 August 11, 1933 4 days The Simele massacre inspired Raphael Lemkin to create the concept of genocide.[298]
1950 East Pakistan riots 4,803 4,833 4,818 東ベンガル February 1950 March 1950 1 month All casualties from the various riots in East Pakistan during the year 1950.
  • 70–100: Nachole
  • 215: Dhaka
  • 2,500: Barisal
  • 17: Rajshahi
  • 2,000: Mymensingh
  • 1: Jessore
1984 Sikh Massacre 2,800 8,000 4,733 インド October 31, 1984 November 3, 1984 1 month A series of pogroms against Sikhs primarily done by members of the Indian National Congress party due to the assassination of the prime minister.
Nellie massacre 2,191 10,000 4,681 アッサム州, インド Six hours on February 18, 1983 Six hours on February 18, 1983 6 hours Killings of 2191 Bengali Musims after Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's decision to give 4 million Bengali Musilms in Assam the right to vote[299]
Laotian genocide by Khmer Rouge 4,000 4,000 4,000 カンボジア 1975 1979 4 years 40% of Laotians in Cambodia were killed during the Cambodian genocide according to Samuel Totten.[147]– Part of the Cambodian genocide
Direct Action Day 4,000 4,000 4,000 インド August 16, 1946 August 18, 1946 2 days Also known as the Great Calcutta Killings, a day of widespread riot and manslaughter between Hindus and Muslims in the city of Calcutta (now known as Kolkata) in the Bengal province of British India.
1804 Haiti massacre 3,000 5,000 3,873 ハイチ Early February 1804 April 22, 1804 ? Genocide of French people in Haiti.[300]
涙の道 2,000 6,000 3,464 アメリカ合衆国 1830 1850 20 years The forced relocation of various Native American tribes under the order of Andrew Jackson.

– Part of the Genocide of indigenous peoples in the Americas

Genocide of Yazidis by ISIL 2,000[301][302] 5,000 3,162 シンジャール, イラク、シリア 2014 present 4 years Ethnic cleansing, execution, forced conversion, rape, and enslavement of Yazidis by ISIL
Selk'nam genocide 2,500[303] 3,900[304] 3,122 ティエラ・デル・フエゴ, チリ Late 1800s Early 1900s ? Genocide of Selknam Native Chilean tribe.

– Part of the Genocide of indigenous peoples in the Americas

Massacre of protesters at the Demolition of the Babri Masjid 2,000 2,000 2,000 アヨーディヤー, インド 1992 1993 1 year The destruction of a prominent mosque in India by Hindu extremists and killings of Muslim protesters.[305]
2002 Gujarat riots 1,044 2,977[306] 1,763 グジャラート州, インド February 2002 March 2002 1 month Minimum death toll includes 790 Muslim death toll. Both death tolls include 254 Hindu deaths. Maximum death toll includes 223 presumed mixing as dead, and a higher 2,500 Muslim death toll.[要出典]
Genocide of Shias by ISIL [307] イラク、シリア、アフガニスタン 2003 present 16 years Ethnic cleansing, execution, forced conversion, rape, and enslavement of Shias by ISIL. One of the first instances was the Imam Ali Mosque bombing in Najaf
Conquest of the Desert 1,300 1,300 1,300 アルゼンチン Mid 1870s 1884 ? Military campaign, directed mainly by General Julio Argentino Roca, which established Argentine dominance over Patagonia, then inhabited by indigenous peoples.[308]– Part of the Genocide of indigenous peoples in the Americas
Genocide of Christians by ISIL [309] 世界全体 2014 present 4 years Ethnic cleansing, execution, forced conversion, rape, and enslavement of Christians by ISIL. In Iraq, the genocide started before 2014, as exemplified by the 2010 Baghdad church massacre
Black War 878 878 878 オーストラリア Mid 1820s 1832 ? – Part of the Genocide of native Tasmanians
Biological warfare at the Siege of Fort Pitt




ペンシルバニア州ピッツバーグ June 22, 1763 August 10, 1763 1 months, 18 days The death toll resulting from the event is unknown – Part of the Genocide of indigenous peoples in the Americas



出来事 低い推定 高い推定 相乗平均[1] 場所 開始 終了 期間 備考
土地改革 800,000 28,000,000[要出典] 4,732,864 中華人民共和国 1947 1951 4 years Millions of landlords were killed during land reforms before the formation of the People's Republic of China because they were seen as class enemies.[310]
See also: Struggle session
文化大革命 400,000[311] 10,000,000[312] 2,000,000 中華人民共和国 1966 1976 10 years The Cultural Revolution, formally the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, was a sociopolitical movement that took place in the People's Republic of China from 1966 until 1976. Set into motion by Mao Zedong, then Chairman of the Communist Party of China, its stated goal was to preserve 'true' Communist ideology in the country by purging remnants of capitalist and traditional elements from Chinese society.
See also: Struggle session
1965-66のインドネシアでの大量虐殺 500,000[313] 3,000,000[314] 1,224,745 インドネシア 1965 1966 1 year Massacres of people connected to the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) were carried out in 1965–66 by the Indonesian Army and associated death squads with support from Western powers such as the United States.[315] Death tolls are difficult to estimate,[316] but it is widely accepted by scholars that roughly 1 million people were killed.[317]
反革命鎮圧運動 712,000[318] 2,000,000[319] 1,193,315 中華人民共和国 1950 1951 1 year The Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutionaries ( or abbreviated as ) was the first political campaign launched by the People's Republic of China designed to eradicate opposition elements, especially former Kuomintang (KMT) functionaries accused of trying undermine the new Communist government.[318]
大粛清 681,692[320] 1,704,230[321] 1,077,850 ソビエト連邦 1936 1938 2 years The Great Purge or Great Terror was a period of intense political repression in the Soviet Union including execution (especially through open air shootings) and forced labor through the Gulag system.[要出典]
白色テロ(ロシア) 300,000 300,000[322] 300,000 ロシア帝国 1917 1923 6 years Political repression by the White movement during the Russian Civil War.
白色テロ(スペイン) 150,000[323] 400,000[324] 244,949 Spain during and after the Spanish Civil War 1936 1945 9 years In Spain, the White Terror (also known as "la Represión Franquista" or the "Francoist Repression") was the series of acts of politically motivated violence, rape, and other crimes committed by the Nationalist movement during the Spanish Civil War (July 17, 1936 to April 1, 1939) and during Francisco Franco's dictatorship (October 1, 1936 – November 20, 1975)[325]
赤色テロ(エチオピア) 30,000 750,000[326] 150,000 People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 1977 1978 1 year Violent purge of those deemed Anti-Communist in Ethiopia.[327][328][329][330][331]
保導連盟事件 100,000[332] 200,000[333] 141,421 韓国 1950 1950 ? Massacre of communists and suspected communists during the summer of 1950, at the start of Korean War.
ナチスによるフリーメイソン弾圧 80,000[334] 200,000[334] 126,491 German-occupied territory 1933 1945 12 years The Nazi regime of Germany targeted Freemasons as they saw them as collaborators in a Jewish conspiracy.
赤色テロ 10,000[335] 1,500,000[336] 122,474 Former Russian Empire during Russian Civil War 1918 1922 4 years Political repression by the Bolsheviks during the Russian Civil War.
1991年のイラクでの反乱 25,000 180,000 67,082 イラク March the 1st, 1991 April the 5th, 1991 1 month and 4 days The death toll of the uprising against Saddam Hussein's government during 1991 was high throughout the country. The rebels killed many Ba'athist officials and officers. In response, thousands of unarmed civilians were killed by indiscriminate fire from loyalist tanks, artillery and helicopters, and many historical and religious structures in the south were deliberately targeted under orders from Saddam Hussein. Saddam's security forces entered the cities, often using women and children as human shields, where they detained and summarily executed or "disappeared" thousands of people at random in a policy of collective responsibility. Many suspects were tortured, raped, or burned alive.[337]
コンドル作戦 50,000 80,000[338] 63,246 South America 1975 1983 8 years A campaign of political repression by right-wing dictatorships in South America, sponsored by the United States.[339][340]
赤色テロ(スペイン) 38,000[341] 72,344[342] 52,432 Spain during the Spanish Civil War 1936 1939 3 years The Red Terror in Spain (スペイン語: Terror Rojo)[343] is the name given by historians to various acts of violence committed from 1936 until the end of the Spanish Civil War "by sections of nearly all the leftist groups".[344]
ベトナムでの農地改革 13,500[345] 200,000[346] 51,962 North Vietnam 1954 1956 2 years
フランス革命での恐怖政治 16,594[347] 41,594[348] 26,272 France during the French Revolution 1793 1794 1 year The Reign of Terror was a period of violence that occurred after the onset of the French Revolution, incited by conflict between two rival political factions, the Girondins and The Jacobins, and marked by mass executions of "enemies of the revolution".[要出典]
ハマー虐殺 10,000 40,000 20,000 Hama, Syria February 2, 1982 February 28, 1982 26 days The Hama massacre (Arabic: مجزرة حماة) occurred in February 1982, when the Syrian Arab Army and the Defense Companies, under the orders of the country's president Hafez al-Assad, besieged the town of Hama for 27 days in order to quell an uprising by the Muslim Brotherhood against al-Assad's government.[要出典]
ラ・マタンサ 10,000 40,000[349] 20,000 エルサルバドル January 22, 1932 July 11, 1932 6 months and 20 days Many of the victims were indigenous people.
二・二八事件 10,000 30,000 17,320 Taiwan 1947 1947 ? Crackdown by the Kuomintang government that ushered in the White Terror (Taiwan) era.
汚い戦争 9,000[350] 30,000[339] 16,432 Argentina 1976 1983 7 years At least 9,000 people were tortured and killed in Argentina from 1976 to 1983, carried out primarily by the Argentinean military Junta (part of Operation Condor).[339]
フィンランド内戦における赤色・白色テロ 11,650 11,650 11,650 Finland 1918 1918 3 months, 2 weeks and 4 days Both sides of the Finnish Civil War used Terrors where 10,000 were killed in the White Terror and 1,650 were killed in the Red Terror.[351]
1988年のイランでの政治犯の処刑 4,482 30,000 11,596 Iran 1988 1988 5 months Massacre of political prisoners in Iran.[352][353][354]
白色テロ (台湾) 3,000 4,000 3,464 Taiwan 1949 1987 38 years An era of martial law in Taiwan in which 140,000 where imprisoned, and 3,000 to 4,000 were executed for real or perceived opposition to the Kuomintang.[要出典]
六四天安門事件 241 10,000[355] 3,000 Tiananmen Square, People's Republic of China 1989 1989 1 month, 2 weeks and 6 days Crackdown of anti-government protest in the People's Republic of China.
ピノチェト政権下のチリにおける人権侵害 1,200 3,200 1,960 Chile 1974 1990 16 years 1,200 to 3,200 alleged communists were executed, 80,000 were forcibly interned and 30,000 were tortured under the reign of Augusto Pinochet.[356][357]



出来事 低い推定 高い推定 相乗平均 場所 開始 終了 期間 備考
アラブ人の奴隷貿易 7,545,000[358] 70,000,000[359] 22,981,514 Middle East, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa 700s 1899 more than 1100 years

1500 to 1899:

  • (1500 - 1599-[360]
    • 1.000.000 - 1,300,000 (Africans
    • 115,000 - 180,000 ( Europeans )
  • (1600 - 1699 [361]
    • 1,300,000 ( Africans )
    • 130,000 - 200,000 ( Europeans )
  • (1700 - 1799)- 2,000,000 ( Africans) [362]
  • (1800 - 1899)- 3.000.000 ( Africans ) [363]

Other sources estimate as many as 70 million could have perished.[359]

労働改造制度 15,000,000[364] 27,000,000 20,124,610 China 1945 1976 31 years Laogai (勞改/劳改), the abbreviation for Láodòng Gǎizào (勞動改造/劳动改造), which means "reform through labor", is a slogan of the Chinese criminal justice system and has been used to refer to the use of penal labour and prison farms in the People's Republic of China (PRC), which once took up more than half of the world's slaves.[要出典] Laogai is different from laojiao, or re-education through labor, which was an administrative detention for a person who was not a criminal but had committed minor offenses, and was intended to reform offenders into law-abiding citizens.[365] Persons detained under laojiao were detained in facilities that were separate from the general prison system of laogai. Both systems, however, involved penal labor.[要出典]
大西洋奴隷貿易 2,000,000[366] 60,000,000[367] 10,954,451 Africa, the Americas, and the Atlantic 1500s 1700s 200 years
オスマン帝国における奴隷制 10,500,000[368][369] 11,250,000 10,868,533 Eurasia, Middle East, North Africa 1450 1800 350 years There is no concrete number for the number of people killed due to the Barbary Slave Trade.

The method many people use is to estimate the mortality rate of slave raids and multiply them by the number people took as slaves. Scholars estimates 3 people were killed for every 1 slave abducted. Includes Barbary Slave Trade.[要出典]

コンゴ自由国における残虐 3,000,000[注釈 3] 13,000,000[371] 6,244,998 Congo Free State 1885 1908 23 years Private forces under the control of Leopold II of Belgium carried out mass murders, mutilations, and other crimes against the Congolese in order to encourage the gathering of valuable raw materials, principally rubber. Significant deaths also occurred due to major disease outbreaks and starvation, caused by population displacement and poor treatment.[372] Estimates of the death toll vary considerably because of the lack of a formal census before 1924, but a commonly cited figure of 10 million deaths was obtained by estimating a 50% decline in the total population during the Congo Free State and applying it to the total population of 10 million in 1924.[373]
グラグ制度 1,053,829[374][375] 6,000,000[376] 2,514,552 Soviet Union 1930s 1950s 20 years Gulag is an acronym for the organization that administered the forced labor system in the Soviet Union that became a colloquialism in the west for the camps themselves. The system was used to punish criminals, political dissidents, and prisoners of war.[要出典] There is a growing consensus among scholars that, based on archival data, the number of deaths in the gulag system fall within the range 1.5 to 1.7 million.[377][378][379]
北朝鮮における強制労働 400,000 1,500,000 774,597 North Korea 1972 ongoing 46 years [380][381]
アシエンダ制における奴隷労働 173,000 2,015,000 590,419 Mexico 1900 1920 20 years R.J. Rummel, coiner of the word "Democide," estimated the mortality rate for Mexican Peonage, a form of debt labor, by comparing it to similar forced labor systems such as the Soviet Gulag, and then applying and reducing it accordingly to the population of Mexico at the time, coming up with an annual death rate of 69,000.[要出典]
大日本帝国による朝鮮人の強制労働 270,000 810,000 467,654 Korea and Manchuria 1939 1945 6 years [382]
フランス植民地帝国における奴隷制 200,000 13,000,000 1,612,452 Africa 1900 1940 40 years [383][信頼性要検証]
ポルトガルの奴隷制 325,000 325,000 325,000 Portuguese Empire 1900 1925 25 years [384][信頼性要検証]
バルバリア奴隷貿易 245,000 380,000 305,123 Italy, Spain, and Portugal 1500s 1600s 100 years [385]– Part of Slavery in the Ottoman Empire
アマゾンのゴムブームにおける奴隷制 250,000 250,000 250,000 Amazon, Brazil 1900 1912 12 years [386][信頼性要検証]
泰緬鉄道の建設 102,621[387] 102,621[387] 102,621 Burma 1943 1947 4 years

Forced labour was used in the construction of the Burma Railway. More than 180,000 Southeast Asian civilian labourers (Romusha) and 60,000 Allied prisoners of war (POWs) worked on the railway. Of these, estimates of Romusha deaths are little more than guesses, but probably about 90,000 died. 12,621 Allied POWs died during the construction. The dead POWs included 6,904 British personnel, 2,802 Australians, 2,782 Dutch, and 133 Americans.[387]

スエズ運河建設 30,000 120,000 67,082 Egypt, and Sudan 1859 1868 9 years French diplomat Ferdinand de Lesseps had obtained many concessions from Isma'il Pasha, the Khedive of Egypt and Sudan in 1854–56 to build the Suez Canal. Some sources estimate the workforce at 30,000,[388] but others estimate that 120,000 workers died over the ten years of construction due to malnutrition, fatigue, and disease, especially cholera.[389]
ペルーにおける中国人労働者の強制労働 40,000[390] 50,054[391] 44,746 Peru 1849 1874 26 years 80,000[390] to 100,000[390][391] Chinese contract laborers, 95% of which were Cantonese and almost all of which were male, were sent mostly to the sugar plantations from 1849 to 1874, during the termination of slavery. They were to provide continuous labor for the coastal guano mines and especially for the coastal plantations where they became a major labor force (contributing greatly to the Peruvian guano boom) until the end of the century. While the coolies were believed to be reduced to virtual slaves, they also represented a historical transition from slave to free labor. A third group of Chinese workers was contracted for the construction of the railway from Lima to La Oroya and Huancayo. Chinese migrants were barred from using cemeteries reserved for Roman Catholics, and were instead buried at pre-Incan burial sites.[392] Between 1849 and 1874 half[390][391] the Chinese population of Peru perished due to abuse, exhaustion, and suicide[391] caused by forced labor.[390][391]
第二次世界大戦における捕虜の強制労働 35,000 35,000 35,000 In and around the Pacific 1939 1945 6 years According to the Japanese military's own record, nearly 25% of 140,000 Allied POWs died while interned in Japanese prison camps, where they were forced to work (U.S. POWs died at a rate of 27%).[393][394]
FIFAワールドカップに関連したクウェートの人権侵害 1,200 1,800 1,342 Qatar 2013 ongoing 5 years Out of at least 100,000 laborers.[395]




出来事 低い推定 高い推定 相乗平均[1] 場所 開始 終了 期間 備考
中華人民共和国大飢饉 11,600,000[396] 55,000,000[397] 25,258,662 中国 1958 1962 4 years During the Great Leap Forward under Mao Zedong tens of millions of Chinese starved to death.[398] State violence during this period further exacerbated the death toll, and some 2.5 million people were beaten or tortured to death in connection with Great Leap policies.[399]
第二次世界大戦による病気と飢饉 19,000,000 28,000,000 23,065,130 世界全体 1939 1945 6 years See also: World War II casualties
イギリス統治下のインドにおける飢饉 12,000,000[400] 51,000,000+[400] 20,500,000 インド 1757 1947 190 years Between 12 and 51 million Indians (or even more) died of starvation while India under British rule (East India Company and British Raj). Millions of tonnes of wheat were exported to Britain as famine raged.[400]
大日本帝国による飢饉と病気 8,136,000 14,936,000 11,023,579 大日本帝国 1937 1945 8 years Combined death tolls from famine and disease from China, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
1876年から79年にかけての中国北部での飢饉 9,000,000[要出典] 13,000,000 10,816,650 中国 1876 1879 3 years ENSO famine.
1770年のベンガル地方における飢饉 10,000,000[401] 10,000,000[401] 10,000,000 ベンガル管区 1769 1773 4 years The famine killed a third of the Bengali population at the time.[402] It is attributed to the policies of the ruling British East India Company.[402]
1921年から22年にかけてのロシアでの飢饉 5,000,000[403] 10,000,000[403] 7,071,072 ソビエト・ロシア 1921 1922 1 year May have been exacerbated by War Communism policies, but it is debatable to which extent.

See also: Droughts and famines in Russia and the Soviet Union, and Russian Civil War, with its policy of War communism, especially prodrazvyorstka.

日中戦争による飢餓と病気 5,000,000 10,000,000 7,071,068 中国 1937 1945 8 years See also: World War II casualties.
1932年から33年にかけてのソ連での飢饉Soviet famine of 1932–33 4,400,000 9,100,000 6,327,717 ソ連 1932 1933 1 year The majority of famine victims were Ukrainian. Many nations, including Ukraine, regard the famine's effect in the Ukraine as a genocide against Ukraine, known as the Holodomor.

1.8 – 4.8 million: Ukraine

600,000 – 2.3 million: Kazakhstan

2 million: Elsewhere

第一次世界大戦による飢饉と病気 5,411,000 6,100,000 5,745,181 世界全体 1914 1918 4 years See also: World War I casualties.
Great Famine of 1876–78 6,100,000[404] 10,320,000[405] 8,300,000[406][信頼性要検証] イギリス領インド帝国 1876 1878 2 years ENSO famine. See also: Late Victorian Holocausts.
Famine and disease caused by the Second Congo War 3,800,000 5,400,000 4,529,901 アフリカ 1998 2004 6 years Majority of those who died in war perished from famine and disease.
Iranian famine of 1917–1919 2,000,000[407][408] 10,000,000[409][410] 4,472,136 イラン 1917 1919 3 years The Persian famine of 1917–1919 was a period of widespread mass starvation and disease in Persia (Iran). The famine took place in the occupied territory of Iran that had declared neutrality. According to the estimates acknowledged, 2–10 million people died of hunger and disease. A variety of factors are commented to have caused and contributed to the famine such as war profiteering, and poor harvests but mainly requisitioning and confiscation of foodstuffs by the occupying Russian and British armies.[411][412]
Famine and disease caused by Decommunization 4,000,000+[413] 4,000,000+ 4,000,000+ Former States of the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc 1991 2000 9 years Deaths caused by decrease in living conditions in Russia and other former Communist States after the fall of the Soviet Union.
Bengal famine of 1943 3,000,000[要出典] 4,000,000 3,464,100 イギリス領インド帝国 1943 1944 1 year The Japanese conquest of Burma cut off India's main supply of rice imports,[414] however, war-related administrative policies in British India ultimately helped to cause the massive death toll.[415][416]
Indian famine of 1896–97 and the Indian famine of 1899–1900 8,400,000[404] 19,000,000[417] 13,700,000 イギリス領インド帝国 1896 1900 4 years ENSO famines. See also: Late Victorian Holocausts.
Famine and diseased caused by the Biafran Blockade during Nigeria's Civil War 2,000,000[418] 3,000,000[419][420] 2,449,490 ナイジェリア 1967 1970 3 years More than two million Igbo died from the famine imposed deliberately through blockades during the war. Lack of medicine also contributed. Thousands starved to death daily as the war progressed.[要出典]
Famine and disease during the Japanese occupation of the Dutch East Indies 2,400,000[421] 2,400,000 2,400,000 インドネシア 1944 1945 1 year An estimated 2.4 million Indonesians starved to death during the Japanese occupation of Indonesia. The problem was partly caused by failures of the main 1944–45 rice crop, but the main cause was the compulsory rice purchasing system that the Japanese authorities put in place to secure rice for distribution to the armed forces and urban population.[421]
Soviet famine of 1946–47 1,000,000 1,500,000 1,224,745 ソ連 1946 1947 1 year Debated as to whether it was caused by war or government policy.
ジャガイモ飢饉 750,000[422][423] 1,500,000[424] 1,060,660 アイルランド 1846 1849 3 years Although blight ravaged potato crops throughout Europe during the 1840s, the impact and human cost in Ireland, where a third of the population was significantly dependent on the Irish Lumper potato for food, was exacerbated by a host of political, social and economic factors, which continue to remain the subject of historical debate.[425][426]
Vietnamese Famine of 1945 400,000[427] 2,000,000[428] 894,427 ベトナム 1944 1945 1 year The Japanese occupation during World War II caused the famine in North Vietnam.[428]
Cambodian Holocaust Famine 800,000[429] 950,000[430] 871,780 カンボジア 1975 1979 4 years An estimated 2 million Cambodians lost their lives to murder, forced labor, and famine, perpetrated by the Khmer Rouge, nearly half of which was caused by forced starvation. Came to an end due to invasion by Vietnam in 1979.
1983–85 famine in Ethiopia 400,000[431] 1,000,000[432] 632,456 エチオピア 1983 1985 2 years The famines that struck Ethiopia between 1961 and 1985, especially the one of 1983–1985, were in large part created by government policies.[431]
Famine and disease during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines 336,000 336,000 336,000 フィリピン 1942 1945 3 years See also: World War I casualties.
North Korean famine 240,000[433] 5,000,000[434] 1,090,000 北朝鮮 1994 1998 4 years The famine stemmed from a variety of factors. Economic mismanagement and the loss of Soviet support caused food production and imports to decline rapidly. A series of floods and droughts exacerbated the crisis, but were not its direct cause. The North Korean government and its centrally-planned system proved too inflexible to effectively curtail the disaster. Recent research suggests the likely number of excess deaths between 1993 and 2000 was about 330,000.[433][435]
Cuban War of Independence Famine 300,000 300,000[436][437] 300,000 キューバ 1895 1898 3 years Most of dead in this war perished from famine and disease.
Great Famine of Mount Lebanon 200,000 200,000 200,000 レバノン山脈オスマン帝国 1915 1918 3 years Around 200,000 people starved to death at a time when the population of Mount Lebanon was estimated at 400,000.[438] The Mount Lebanon famine caused the highest fatality rate by population of World War I. Bodies were piled in the streets, and people were reported to be eating street animals, while some resorted to cannibalism.[439]
1998 Sudan famine 70,000[440] 70,000 70,000 スーダン 1998 1998 ? The famine was caused almost entirely by human rights abuse and the war in Southern Sudan.[441]
Famine in Yemen (2016–present) 50,000 children[442] 50,000 children[442] 50,000 children[442] イエメン 2016 present 2 years The famine was triggered by Saudi Arabia's intervention into the Yemeni Civil War, which is backed by Western powers including the United States.[443] Around 13 million people, or roughly half of the country's population, is facing starvation in what the UN calls "the worst famine in the world in 100 years".[444]



出来事 低い推定 高い推定 相乗平均[1] 場所 開始 終了 期間 備考


3,700,000[445] 3,041,381 中国 1931 1931 ?


2,000,000[要出典] 1,341,641 中国 1887 1887 ?


700,000[要出典] 591,608 中国 1938 1938 ?


560,000[96][446] 334,664 タイ湾および太平洋 1978 1979 1年



145,000 中国 1935 1935 ?
聖フェリクスの洪水 100,000[要出典] 100,000[要出典] 100,000 オランダ 1530 1530 ?



100,000 北ベトナム 1971 1971 ?



100,000 中国 1911 1911 ?


230,000[448] 77,330 中国





80,000[要出典] 63,246 オランダ、イングランド 1287 1287 ?


50,000[要出典] 22,361 ベネズエラ 1999年12月14日 1999年12月16日 3日



2,400 オランダ、イングランドスコットランドベルギー






2,209 アメリカ 1889年5月31日 1889年5月31日 1日



出来事 低い推定 高い推定 相乗平均[1] 場所 開始 終了 期間 備考
アステカ文化における人身御供 20,000[449] 5,000,000[450] 316,228 メキシコ

14世紀 ||1521

200年 Skull racks: 60,000[451] to 136,000[452] See also: Aztecs
中国の商王朝における人身御供 13,000[453][信頼性要検証] 13,000 13,000 中国 1300 BC 1050 BC 250年 Last 250 years of rule
イラク戦争中の自爆テロ 12,284 18,000+[454] 12,284 イラク 2003 2019 進行中 See also: Iraqi insurgency (2003–11) and Iraqi Civil War (2014–2017)
サティ儀式による焼身自殺 7,941[455][信頼性要検証] 7,941 7,941 インド 1815 1828 13年
マサダでの集団自殺 967[要出典] 967 967 マサダ
Spring 73 CE || Spring 73 CE 
ジョーンズタウン 909 909 909 Jim Jones
パレスチナの自爆攻撃 804 804 804 イスラエルおよび


7月 6, 1989

4月 18, 2016

27年 May only include victims



出来事 死者数 地域


英領インド パンジャーブベンガル地方 1947


コロンビア 国全体 1948–1960


チベット ラサ 1959
ニカの乱 30,000 東ローマ帝国 コンスタンティノープル




フランス パリ 1871


中国 台湾 1947


Southern Korea, present-day South Korea 済州島 1948
August Uprising


ソ連 ジョージア 1924
エルサルバドル農民蜂起 (1932年)


エルサルバドル 1932
Romanian Peasants' Revolt


ルーマニア 1907
クロンシュタットの反乱 10,000 ロシア クロンシュタット 1921
1984 anti-Sikh riots


インド ニューデリー 1984
三・一運動 7,500 日本統治時代の朝鮮 ソウル 1919


イスラエル/パレスチナ 2000–2005
Pitchfork Uprising 3,800 ロシア 1920
イラン革命[456] 2,781 イラン 1979


ビルマ/ミャンマー 1987–1993
第1次インティファーダ 2,204 イスラエル/パレスチナ 1987


コロンビア Ciénaga 1928
Santa María School massacre 2,300 チリ イキケ 1907
アッサム運動 2,191+ インド アッサム 1979–1985
1994年の南アフリカの政権交代での暴力 1,652[457] 南アフリカ共和国 1994
ルーマニア革命 (1989年) 1,104 ルーマニア ブカレストなどの主要都市 1989
2009年のボコ・ハラムの蜂起 1,000+ ナイジェリア バウチ州、ボルノ州、ヨベ州、カノ州 2009
ジャカルタ暴動 (1998年)


インドネシア ジャカルタメダンスラカルタ 1998
ケニア危機 (2007年-2008年) 1,000[458][459] ケニア 2008


トーゴ 2005
1989年のバーガルプル暴動 1,000 インド バーガルプル 1989
血の日曜日事件 (1905年)


ロシア サンクトペテルブルク 1905
2010年南キルギス暴動 893 キルギス 2010
イラン人巡礼者の暴動 400 サウジアラビア メッカ 1987


英領インド アムリトサル 1919
テランガーナ運動 360+ インド ハイデラバード 1969
ジャスミン革命 338 チュニジア 2010–2011


中国 北京 1989
Kengir uprising 700 ソビエト連邦 カザフスタン 1954
2018年ニカラグア抗議デモ 317[462] ニカラグア 2018
ゴードン暴動 285 イギリス 1780
嘆きの壁事件 249 イギリス委任統治領パレスチナ 1929
2019年スーダンクーデター 229+[463][464][465] スーダン 2018–2019
Military Police of Espírito Santo strike 215 ブラジル エスピリトサント州 2017
2009年ウイグル騒乱 197+ 中国 新疆ウイグル自治区 2009
5月13日事件 196 マレーシア クアラルンプール 1969


ウズベキスタン アンディジャン 2005
2017年ベネズエラ抗議運動 165 ベネズエラ 2017
2009年ギニア抗議運動 157 ギニア コナクリ 2009


韓国 光州 1980
ダーバン暴動 142 南アフリカ共和国 ダーバン 1949
2017年ブラジルの刑務所での暴動 140+ ブラジル 2017
ムハンマドの漫画に対する暴動 139[466] ナイジェリア、リビア、パキスタン、アフガニスタン 2006
スーダン ハルツーム 2019
ケニア タナ川地方 2012–2013
カランジル虐殺事件 111 ブラジル サンパウロ 1992


ウクライナ キーウ 2014


アメリカ合衆国 ニューヨーク 1863
ヴァンデミエールの反乱 100 フランス パリ 1795



発生した場所 低い推定 高い指定 相乗平均[1] 場所 開始 終了 期間 参考
アウシュヴィッツ強制収容所 800,000 1,500,000 1,095,445 Oświęcim, Poland 1940 1945 5年 [467][468]
トレブリンカ強制収容所 700,000 1,000,000 836,660 Treblinka, Poland 1942 1943 1年 [469][470]
ベウジェツ強制収容所 480,000 600,000 536,656 Bełżec, Poland 1942 1943 1年 [471][472][473]
ヤセノヴァツ強制収容所 100,000 700,000 264,575 Croatia 1941 1945 4年 [474][475][476]
コルィマ鉱山 130,000 500,000 254,951 Kolyma, Soviet Union 1932 1954 22年 [477]
シュトゥットホーフ強制収容所 85,000 85,000 85,000 Stutthof, Poland 1939 1945 6年 See also: Second World War
スタラ・グラディシュカ強制収容所 12,790 75,000 30,972 Croatia 1941 1945 4年 Primarily for women and children.[478][479]
トゥール・スレン 17,000 17,000 17,000 Phnom Penh, Cambodia 1975 1979 4年 [480]
アンダーソンビル刑務所 13,171 13,171 13,171 Andersonville, Georgia, United States 1864 1865 1年 [481]
ツルヴェニ・クルスト集中収容所 12,000 12,000 12,000 Niš, Serbia 1941 1944 3年 [482]
エケネス刑務所収容所 2,963 2,963 2,963 Tammisaari, Finland 1918 1918 4ヶ月
エルマイラ刑務所 2,963 2,963 2,963 Elmira, New York, U.S. 1864 1865 1年 [483]
シャーク島強制収容所 1,032 4,000[484] 2,032 Luderitz, German South-West Africa 1905 1907 2年 The minimum death toll is out of a camp population of 1,795 people, and the maximum total includes those who died in the Luderitz area.



指導者 低い推定 高い推定 相乗平均[1] 場所 開始 終了 期間 備考
毛沢東 13,597,000 70,000,000+[485] 30,851,094 中華人民共和国 1946 1976 30 years Critics of Mao Zedong have argued Mao's China saw unprecedented losses of human life through inhuman economic policies such as the Great Leap Forward, slave labor through the Laogai, violent political purges such as the Cultural Revolution the Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutionaries, and class extermination through land reform The estimate of the minimum death toll is the sum of the minimum estimate of famine dead (11.6 million),[486] land reform dead (800,000),[487] Counterrevolutionaries dead (712,000),[318] and Cultural Revolution dead (400,000)[311] plus the minimum killed in the 1959 Tibetan uprising (85,000 to 87,000)



20,000,000 40,000,000 30,945,906 ユーラシア 1206 1405 199 years Due to the lack or records and time span in which they occurred, estimates of the violence associated with the conquests of the Mongol Empire and its predecessor states vary considerably[488] not including the spread of plague to Europe, West Asia, or China it is possible that between 20 and 40 million people were killed between 1206 and 1405 during the various campaign's of Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan, and Timur[489][490]
アドルフ・ヒトラー 13,518,250 25,495,692+ 18,564,944 ナチスドイツ下のヨーロッパ 1934 1945 11 years The estimate includes The Holocaust against the Jews, plus the genocide and mass murder of Gypsies, Serbs, East Slavs, the disabled, homosexuals, Freemasons, POWs, and the Jehovah's Witnesses
昭和天皇 9,400,000[514] 20,000,000[515] 14,700,000 大日本帝国 1937 1945 8


蔣介石 5,965,000[28] 18,522,000[28] 10,511,124 中華民国 1928 1946 18 years Primarily from conscription campaigns but also grain confiscations and other atrocities.
ヨシフ・スターリン 3,300,000 15,000,000 8,990,772 ソビエト連邦 1922 1953 31 years The millions killed by the regime of Joseph Stalin through famine, purges, labor camps, population transfer, deportations, and NKVD massacres. The minimum death toll (to the left) uses the minimum post-archive calculations from after the fall of the Soviet regime of those not killed in famine which range from four to ten million[516][517][518]Robert Conquest, writer of the book The Great Terror, first stated an estimate of 30 million, then a few years later lowering it to 20 million,[519] and finally saying that no fewer than 15 million perished during the entire history of the USSR.[520] Following the collapse of the USSR and the opening of the archives, scholars have reached lower death tolls.[521]

The minimum death toll (to the left) uses the minimum post-archive calculations from after the fall of the Soviet regime of those not killed in famine[522]

Timothy D. Snyder in 2011 said that Stalin approximately killed 6 million to 9 million [523]

see also

Excess mortality in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin

レオポルド2世 3,000,000[注釈 4] 13,000,000[371] 6,244,998 コンゴ自由国 1885 1908 13 years Private forces under the control of Leopold II of Belgium carried out mass murders, mutilations, and other crimes against the Congolese in order to encourage the gathering of valuable raw materials, principally rubber. Significant deaths also occurred due to major disease outbreaks and starvation, caused by population displacement and poor treatment.[372] Estimates of the death toll vary considerably due to the lack of a formal census before 1924, but a commonly cited figure of 10 million deaths was obtained by estimating a 50% decline in the total population during the Congo Free State and applying it to the total population of 10 million in 1924.[373] See also: Atrocities in the Congo Free State
ラナヴァルナ1世 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 マダガスカル 1829 1842 13 years Putting an end to most foreign trade relationships, Ranavalona I pursued a policy of self-reliance, made possible through frequent use of the long-standing tradition of fanompoana—forced labor in lieu of tax payments in money or goods. Ranavalona continued the wars of expansion conducted by her predecessor, Radama I, in an effort to extend her realm over the entire island, and imposed strict punishments on those who were judged as having acted in opposition to her will. Due in large part to loss of life throughout the years of military campaigns, high death rates among fanompoana workers, and harsh traditions of justice under her rule, the population of Madagascar is estimated to have declined from around 5 million to 2.5 million between 1833–39, and from 750,000 to 130,000 between 1829–42 in Imerina.[524] These statistics have contributed to a strongly unfavorable view of Ranavalona's rule in historical accounts.[525]
ポル・ポト 1,386,734[145] 3,400,000[146] 2,171,381 カンボジア 1975 1979 4 years Deaths due to arbitrary torture, execution, starvation, and forced labor among the population of Cambodia under the rule of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, including both killings of ethnic Khmer (the majority ethnic group) as well as a genocide of religious and ethnic minorities by the Khmer Rouge. Minimum death toll is the number of corpses found in the Killing Fields.[要出典]See also: Cambodian genocide
青年トルコ人 1,489,000 2,810,000 2,045,505 オスマン帝国 1913 1922 9 years Under the Young Turks' regime that took powerin 1908, the Ottoman Empire committed various genocides and ethnic cleansings. The death toll is derived from the sum of the death tolls of the Armenian Genocide (800,000 to 1,500,000), Assyrian Genocide (150,000 to 300,000), Greek Genocide (289,000 to 750,000), ethnic cleansing of the Thracian Bulgarians in 1913 (50,000 to 60,000), and the Great Famine of Mount Lebanon (200,000).
オマル・アル=バシール 1,063,000 2,530,000 1,639,936 スーダン 1989 2019 29 years 1 to 2 million: Second Sudanese Civil War

63,000 to 530,000:[526]Darfur genocide




710,000 3,500,000 1,576,388 北朝鮮 1948 present 70 years North Korea continues to be one of the most repressive governments in the world.[381] Over two-hundred thousand people are interned in concentrations camps for being political dissidents or being related to political dissidents. They are subject to slavery, torture, starvation, shootings, gassing, and human experimentation.[527] See also: Human rights in North Korea
スハルト 240,500 3,418,000+ 906,658+ インドネシア 1965 1998 33 years 65/66 Politicide: 78,500 to 3,000,000 "communists"
East Timor Atrocities: 60,000 to 308,000 East Timorese
West Papua Atrocities: 100,000 papuans
Petrus Killings: 2,000 to 10,000 suspected criminals
メンギスツ・ハイレ・マリアム 225,000[528] 2,000,000[529][信頼性要検証] 670,820 エチオピア 1977 1987 10 years
サダム・フセイン 200,000[530] 2,000,000[530] 632,456 イラク 1979 2003 24 years see Human rights in Saddam Hussein's Iraq#Number of victims

Nikola Mandić

300,000[531] 1,088,000[532] 571,314 クロアチア[531] 1941 1945 4 years See also: Independent State of Croatia
ホー・チ・ミンベトコン 145,225 1,082,000 396,401 ベトナム 1954 2000 46 years 95,000: re-education camps[96