
越位規則Off-side rule)是指程式語言中,用縮排來表示块结构的範圍。這名詞是來自Peter J. Landin,是足球越位(offside)的雙關語。


越位规则,定义于Peter J. Landin在1966年叫做《The Next 700 Programming Languages》的文章中[1]



if foo then do first thing         second thing         third thing else do something_else 
if foo then do        first thing        second thing        third thing else do        something_else 
if foo then do   first thing   second thing   third thing else do    something_else 
垂直对齐[注 1] 悬挂缩进[注 2] 悬挂缩进[注 3]
  1. ^ 组合起来的同类短语必须精确的对齐。
  2. ^ 从在行首的符号then所属的短语的角度看,和从不在行首的do所属的短语的角度看,都是悬挂缩进。
  3. ^ 从在行首的符号then所属的短语的角度看是悬挂缩进;从不在行首的do所属的短语的角度看,缩进区块相当于用括号包围起来的除外情况。



def is_even(a: int) -> bool:     """确定数a是否是偶数."""     if a % 2 == 0:         print('偶数!')         return True     print('奇数!')     return False 


# 参数比后续部份多一层缩进 def long_function_name(         var_one, var_two, var_three,         var_four):     # 可选的圆括号内后续行多一层缩进,注意这里关键字在行首     if (this_is_first_thing             and that_is_second_thing):         do_something()     # 可选的圆括号内后续行不额外缩进,同类语言元素垂直对齐     elif (this_is_third_thing and           that_is_fourth_thing):         do_something_different() # 悬挂缩进,参数比行首缩进一层 spam = long_function_name(     arg_one, arg_two,     arg_three, arg_four) # 按开定界符垂直对齐 eggs = long_function_name(arg_one, arg_two,                           arg_three, arg_four) #可选的闭括号位置 my_list = [     1, 2, 3,     4, 5, 6,     ] # 可选的闭括号位置 my_set = {     1, 2, 3,     4, 5, 6, } 







  1. ^ Landin, P. J. The next 700 programming languages (PDF). Comm. ACM. March 1966, 9 (3): 157–166 [2020-10-11]. doi:10.1145/365230.365257. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2010-06-20). Indentation, used to indicate program structure. A physical ISWIM can be defined in terms of an unspecified parameter: a subset of phrase categories, instances of which are restricted in layout by the following rule called "the offside rule." The southeast quadrant that just contains the phrase's first symbol must contain the entire phrase, except possibly for bracketed subsegments. This rule has three important features. It is based on vertical alignment, not character width, and hence is equally appropriate in handwritten, typeset or typed texts. Its use is not obligatory, and use of it can be mixed freely with more conventional alternatives like punctuation. Also, it is incorporated in ISWIM in a systematic way that admits of alternatives without changing other features of ISWIM and that can be applied to other languages. 
  2. ^ off-side rule for FOLDOC. [2020-10-11]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-20). 
  3. ^ Python FAQ on colons. [2012-04-30]. (原始内容存档于2012-02-07). 
  4. ^ Python Documentation页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 2. Lexical analysis页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆): 2.1.8. Indentation页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  5. ^ The Haskell Report - Layout. [2012-04-30]. (原始内容存档于2012-03-31).