Moduł:Kontrola autorytatywna

 Dokumentacja modułu [zobacz] [edytuj] [historia] [odśwież]

Moduł wykorzystywany przez szablon {{Kontrola autorytatywna}}.

Raporty diagnostyczne
Tabela bonus zawiera identyfikatory cech z Wikidanych, które odsyłają do zewnętrznych baz danych. Wszystko jest tworzone automatycznie na podstawie cech opisujących właściwości. Jednak gdy cecha nie ma etykiety w języku polskim to dana pozycja nie będzie wyświetlana w szablonie. Zdefiniowanie odpowiedniej etykiety w Wikidanych rozwiązuje problem. Alternatywnie można podać lokalny opis bezpośrednio po identyfikatorze cechy oddzielając je spacją. Ten trik przydaje się również jeśli etykieta cechy jest zbyt długa lub zbyt opisowa i chcemy ją zastąpić jakimś skrótem.
require("strict")  local resources = { 	title = "[[Kontrola autorytatywna]]", 	encyklopediaTitle = "[[Encyklopedia internetowa]]", 	otherTitle = "Identyfikatory zewnętrzne", 	catMissingLabel = '[[Kategoria:Kontrola autorytatywna potrzebuje polskiej etykiety]]', 	editLabelLink = '<span class="wdlink">&#x5B;[[:d:%s|<span  title="Brak polskiej etykiety">e</span>]]&#x5D;</span>', 	fallbackLabels = { "en", "de", "fr", "it", "cs", "lt", "pt", "es" }, 	nativeTypes = { "P31", "P279" }, 	-- type descriptions 	descriptions = { 		p = "osoba", 		k = "organizacja", 		v = "wydarzenie", 		w = "dzieło", 		s = "słowo kluczowe", 		g = "obiekt geograficzny", 	}, 	encyklopedie = { 		"P7305 [[Encyklopedia PWN (internetowa)|PWN]]", 		"P5058 [[Encyklopedia teatru polskiego|ETP]]", 		"P1417 [[Encyklopedia Britannica|Britannica]]", 		"P5395", -- The Canadian Encyclopedia 		"P3365 [[Enciclopedia Treccani|Treccani]]", -- Enciclopedia Treccani 		"P3219 Universalis", -- Encyclopædia Universalis 		"P3123 [[Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy|SEP]]", 		"P2924 [[Wielka Encyklopedia Rosyjska|БРЭ]]", 		"P4613 [[Encykłopedija suczasnoji Ukrajiny|ЕСУ]]", 		"P3222 [[Nationalencyklopedin|]]", 		"P4854", -- Uppslagsverket Finland 		"P6870", -- Nacionālā enciklopēdija 		"P4342 SNL", -- Store Norske leksikon 		"P7666 [[Visuotinė lietuvių enciklopedija|VLE]]", 		"P1296 Catalana", -- Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana 		"P8313 [[Den Store Danske Encyklopædi|DSDE]]", 		"P7982", -- Hrvatska enciklopedija 	}, 	bonus = { 		"P8832 [[Polska Akademia Nauk|PAN]]", 		--"P402",  -- identyfikator relacji OpenStreetMap 		 		"P2038", -- identyfikator ResearchGate 		"P1053", -- ResearcherID 		"P3829 Publons", 		"P12541", -- identyfikator osoby w bazie „Ludzie nauki” (nowej) 		"P1153 Scopus",		 		"P1563 MacTutor", -- identyfikator MacTutor, 		"P8159 SciProfiles", -- identyfikator SciProfiles (MDPI), 		"P2798 Loop", -- identyfikator Loop (Frontiers), 		"P10861 Dimensions", -- identyfikator Dimensions (Springer Nature), 		 		"P8286 Olympedia", -- identyfikator sportowca w 		"P3495", -- identyfikator aktora w 		 		"P2036", -- African Plant Database; 		"P838 BioLib", 		"P830 [[Encyclopedia of Life|EoL]]", 		"P6177 EUNIS", -- EUNIS ID, (lub P6681 ?)  		"P1747 Flora of China", 		"P1727 Flora of North America", 		"P6094 FloraWeb", 		"P846 GBIF",  -- Global Biodiversity Information Facility 		"P1421 GRIN", 		"P3151", -- iNaturalist, 		"P961 [[International Plant Names Index|IPNI]]", 		"P815 [[Integrated Taxonomic Information System|ITIS]]", 		"P685 NCBI",  -- NCBI, 		"P6034 Plant Finder", 		"P1070", -- PlantList 		"P5037 Plants of the World", 		"P3105 Tela Botanica", 		"P960",  -- Tropicos, 		"P1772 USDA PLANTS", 		"P821",  -- CGNDB, 		"P6263", -- Mindat, 		"P842", -- Fossilworks 	} }  local has = function (entityId, propertyId) 	return #mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(entityId, propertyId) > 0 end  local hasAny = function (entityId, properties) 	for i, v in ipairs(properties) do 		if has(entityId, v) then 			return true 		end 	end  	return false end  local isHumanPerson = function(entityId) 	for i, v in ipairs(mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(entityId, "P31")) do 		if (v.mainsnak.snaktype == "value") 		and (v.mainsnak.datavalue.value["numeric-id"] == 5) then 			return true 		end 	end 	 	for i, v in ipairs(mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(entityId, "P21")) do 		if (v.mainsnak.snaktype == "value") then 			local id = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value["numeric-id"] 			if (id == 6581097) or (id == 6581072) then 				return true 			end 		end 	end 	 	return false end  local sources = { 	{ 		name     = "ISNI", 		hint     = "International Standard Name Identifier", 		property = "P213", 		link     = function(id) 			local linkId, x = string.gsub(id, " ", "") 			return ""..linkId 		end, 		show     = function(id) 			local showId, x = string.gsub(id, " ", "&thinsp;") 			return showId				 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "ORCID", 		hint     = "ORCID", 		property = "P496", 		link     = function(id) 			id = string.gsub(id, "-", "") 			return ""..string.sub(id, 1, 4).."-"..string.sub(id,5,8).."-"..string.sub(id,9,12).."-"..string.sub(id,13,16) 		end, 		show     = function(id) 			id = string.gsub(id, "-", "") 			return string.sub(id, 1, 4).."-"..string.sub(id,5,8).."-"..string.sub(id,9,12).."-"..string.sub(id,13,16) 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "VIAF", 		hint     = "Virtual International Authority File", 		property = "P214", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "ULAN", 		hint     = ":en:Union List of Artist Names", 		property = "P245", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "Europeana", 		hint     = "Europeana", 		property = "P727", 		link     = function(id) 			return """.html" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "LCCN", 		hint     = "Library of Congress Control Number", 		property = "P244", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "GND", 		hint     = "Gemeinsame Normdatei", 		property = "P227", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "NDL", 		hint     = ":de:Web NDL Authorities", 		property = "P349", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "LIBRIS", 		hint     = "LIBRIS", 		property = "P5587", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "SELIBR", 		hint     = "LIBRIS", 		property = "P906", 		disable  = function(entityId) 			return has(entityId, "P5587") 		end, 		link     = function(id) 			local x ="Module:Kontrola autorytatywna/P906/enabled").id 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "BnF", 		hint     = "Bibliothèque nationale", 		property = "P268", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "SUDOC", 		hint     = "Système Universitaire de Documentation", 		property = "P269", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "SBN", 		hint     = ":it:Servizio bibliotecario nazionale", 		property = "P396", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "NLA", 		hint     = "Biblioteka Narodowa Australii", 		property = "P409", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "BNCF", 		hint     = ":it:Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze", 		property = "P508", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "NKC", 		hint     = "Biblioteka Narodowa Republiki Czeskiej", 		property = "P691", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "DBNL", 		hint     = ":nl:Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren", 		property = "P723", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "RSL", 		hint     = ":ru:Российская государственная библиотека", 		property = "P947", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "BNE", 		hint     = "Hiszpańska Biblioteka Narodowa", 		property = "P950", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "BNR", 		hint     = "Biblioteka Narodowa Rumunii", 		property = "P1003", 		link     = function(id) 			return """&find_code=SYS&adjacent=Y&local_base=NLR10" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "NTA", 		hint     = "Holenderska Biblioteka Narodowa", 		property = "P1006", 		link     = function(id) 			--return "" 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "BIBSYS", 		hint     = "BIBSYS", 		property = "P1015", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "CALIS", 		hint     = ":zh:中国高等教育文献保障系统", 		property = "P270", 		link     = function(id) 			return """%23" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "CiNii", 		hint     = ":jp:CiNii", 		property = "P271", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "Open Library", 		hint     = ":en:Open Library", 		property = "P648", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "PLWABN", 		hint     = "Biblioteka Narodowa (Warszawa)", 		property = "P7293", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "NLP", 		hint     = "Biblioteka Narodowa (Warszawa)", 		property = "P1695", 		disable  = function(entityId) 			return has(entityId, "P7293") 		end, 		link     = function(id) 			if id:byte(1) ~= 65 then 				local x ="Module:Kontrola autorytatywna/P1695/invalid").id 				return "" 			end 			 			local y ="Module:Kontrola autorytatywna/P1695/enabled").id 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "NUKAT", 		hint     = "NUKAT", 		property = "P1207", 		link     = function(id) 			local good = string.match(id, "^[npst] %d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$") 					or string.match(id, "^[npst]  %d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$") 			if not good then 				local prefix = string.sub(id,1,1) 				local number = string.sub(id,2) 				local infix = #number == 8 and "%20%20" or "%20" 				good = prefix..infix..number 			end 			 			local linkid, x = string.gsub(good, ' ', '%%20') 			return ""..linkid 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "OBIN", 		hint     = "Dictionary of National Biography", 		property = "P1415", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "J9U", 		hint     = "Biblioteka Narodowa Izraela", 		property = "P8189", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "PTBNP", 		hint     = "Biblioteka Narodowa Portugalii", 		property = "P1005", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "CANTIC", 		hint     = ":ca:Catàleg d'autoritats de noms i títols de Catalunya", 		property = "P1273", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "LNB", 		hint     = "Biblioteka Narodowa Łotwy", 		property = "P1368", 		link     = function(id) 			return """&P_CON_LNG=ENG" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "NSK", 		hint     = ":hr:Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica u Zagrebu", 		property = "P1375", 		link     = function(id) 			return """&local_base=nsk10" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "BNA", 		hint     = ":es:Biblioteca Nacional de la República Argentina", 		property = "P3788", 		link     = function(id) 			return """&local_base=BNA10" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "CONOR", 		hint     = ":sl:CONOR", 		property = "P1280", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "BNC", 		hint     = ":es:Biblioteca Nacional de Chile", 		property = "P1890", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "ΕΒΕ", 		hint     = "Grecka Biblioteka Narodowa", 		property = "P3348", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "BLBNB", 		hint     = "Brazylijska Biblioteka Narodowa", 		property = "P4619", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "KRNLK", 		hint     = "Biblioteka Narodowa Korei", 		property = "P5034", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "LIH", 		hint     = "Litewska Biblioteka Narodowa im. Martynasa Mažvydasa", 		property = "P7699", 		link     = function(id) 			return "","PATH") 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "NSZL", 		hint     = "Państwowa Biblioteka Széchényiego", 		property = "P3133", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	{ 		name     = "RISM", 		hint     = "Répertoire International des Sources Musicales", 		property = "P5504", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	},     { 		name     = "GIA", 		hint     = "Getty Iconography Authority", 		property = "P5986", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, 	-- Zawsze na końcu / Always last !!! 	{ 		name     = "WorldCat", 		hint     = "WorldCat", 		property = "P7859", 		link     = function(id) 			return "" 		end, 	}, }  local getDescription = function (entityId, force) 	local needLabel = false 	local site = mw.wikibase.getSitelink(entityId) 	local label = mw.wikibase.getLabelByLang(entityId, 'pl') 	if not label then 		for i, l in ipairs(resources.fallbackLabels) do 			label = mw.wikibase.getLabelByLang(entityId, l) 			if label then 				needLabel = true 				break 			end 		end 	end 		 	if site and label then 		return "[[""|"..label.."]]", needLabel 	elseif site then 		return "[[""]]", needLabel 	elseif label then 		return label, needLabel 	elseif force then 		return entityID, true 	end end  local findDescription = function (entityId, sourceProps) 	local alt = nil 	for i, prop in ipairs(sourceProps) do 		for j, v in ipairs(mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(entityId, prop)) do 			if (v.mainsnak.snaktype == "value") 			and (v.mainsnak.datatype == "wikibase-item") then 				local qid = 				--	or "Q"..v.mainsnak.datavalue.value["numeric-id"] 				local description, needLabel = getDescription(qid, false) 				if description and not needLabel then 					return description, false 				end  				alt = alt or description 			end 		end 	end 	 	return alt, alt end  local insertHeader = function(title, entityId, result, before, after) 	 	local determineDnbType = function() 		if isHumanPerson(entityId) then 			return "p" 		end 		 		-- pozostałe testy 		if hasAny(entityId, { "P1687", "P1963" }) then 			return "s" 		elseif hasAny(entityId, {"P27", "P26", "P25", "P22", "P40", "P1317"}) then 			return "p" 		elseif hasAny(entityId, {"P50", "P170", "P86", "P87", "P676", "P435"}) then 			return "w" 		elseif hasAny(entityId, {"P112", "P159", "P169", "P488", "P355", "P740"}) then 			return "k" 		elseif hasAny(entityId, {"P150", "P610", "P1589", "P85", "P35", "P36", "P47", "P984", "P474", "P982", "P300", "P901"}) then 			-- P625 cannot be used, there are some organizations, events, and even persons with this property 			return "g" 		end 	end 	 	local editLabelLink = "" 	local typClass = "normdaten-andere" 	local description = '' 	local needLabel = false 	if entityId then 		local typ = determineDnbType() or "fehlt" 		typClass = "normdaten-typ-"..typ 		if entityId ~= mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage() then 			description, needLabel = getDescription(entityId, true) 			if needLabel then 				editLabelLink = string.format(resources.editLabelLink, entityId) 			end 		elseif typ == 'p' then 			-- "człowiek" -> "osoba" 			description = resources.descriptions[typ] 		else 			description, needLabel = findDescription(entityId, resources.nativeTypes) 			description = description or resources.descriptions[typ] 		end 	end 	 	if needLabel then 		description = description..resources.catMissingLabel 	end  	if description and (#description > 0) then 		title = title..'&nbsp;(<span class="description">' .. description.. "</span>)" .. editLabelLink 	end 	 	table.insert(result, 1, '<div class="'..typClass..'">') 	table.insert(result, 2, title..":") 	if before then table.insert(result, 3, before) end 	if after then table.insert(result, after) end 	table.insert(result,"</div>") end  local formats = { 	classic = function(info, identifiers) 		local result = {} 		table.insert(result, "[[") 		table.insert(result, info.hint) 		table.insert(result, "|") 		table.insert(result, 		table.insert(result, "]]") 		local show = or function(id) return id end 		for i, id in ipairs(identifiers) do 			table.insert(result, (i == 1) and ":" or ",") 			table.insert(result, "&thinsp;<span class=\"uid\">[") 			table.insert(result, 			table.insert(result, " ") 			table.insert(result, show(id)) 			table.insert(result, "]</span>") 		end 		 		return table.concat(result, "") 	end, 	 	mini = function(info, identifiers) 		local result = {} 		if #identifiers == 1 then 			-- simple link with authority name 			local id = identifiers[1] 			table.insert(result, "[") 			table.insert(result, 			table.insert(result, " ") 			table.insert(result, string.format(info.format or "<span title=\"%s\">%s</span>", id, 			table.insert(result, "]") 			return table.concat(result, "") 		end  		table.insert(result, 		for i, id in ipairs(identifiers) do 			table.insert(result, (i == 1) and ":" or ",") 			table.insert(result, "&thinsp;[") 			table.insert(result, 			table.insert(result, " ") 			table.insert(result, string.format("<span title=\"%s\">%s</span>", id, tostring(i))) 			table.insert(result, "]") 		end 		 		return table.concat(result, "") 	end, } 	 local show = function(entityId, argStyle)  	local identifiers = function (info) 		local result = {}  		if info.disable and info.disable(entityId) then 			return result; 		end  		for i, v in ipairs(mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(entityId, do 			if v.mainsnak.snaktype == "value" then 				table.insert(result, v.mainsnak.datavalue.value) 			end 		end  		return result 	end 	 	local result = {} 	local formatItems = formats[argStyle] or formats.classic 	for i, info in ipairs(sources) do 		local list = identifiers(info) 		if #list > 0 then 			table.insert(result, "<li>"..formatItems(info, list).."</li>") 		end 	end 	 	if #result > 0 then 		insertHeader(resources.title, entityId, result, "<ul>", "</ul>") 		return table.concat(result, ""); 	end end  local findPropertyDescription = function(pid) 	local description, needLabel = findDescription(pid, {"P1629"}) 	if not description or (#description == 0) or needLabel then 		description, needLabel = getDescription(pid, false) 		if not description or (#description == 0) or needLabel then 			mw.log("KA "": Brak opisu cechy") 		else 			mw.log("KA "": Brak elementu 'dedykowany typ dla' (P1629) w opisie cechy") 		end 	end 	 	return description, needLabel end  return {  ["Dokumentacja"] = function(frame) 	local result = {} 	table.insert(result, "{| class=wikitable\n!nazwa\n!cecha\n!dostawca\n") 	for i, v in ipairs(sources) do 		if i > 0 then 			table.insert(result, "|-\n") 		end 		 		table.insert(result, "|") 		table.insert(result, 		table.insert(result, "\n") 		 		table.insert(result, "|[[:d:Property:") 		table.insert(result, 		table.insert(result, "|") 		table.insert(result, 		table.insert(result, "]]\n") 		 		table.insert(result, "|[[") 		table.insert(result, v.hint) 		table.insert(result, "]]\n") 	end 	 	table.insert(result, "|-\n") 	table.insert(result, '!colspan="3"|'..resources.encyklopediaTitle..'\n') 	for i, b in ipairs(resources.encyklopedie) do 		local pid, name = mw.ustring.match(b, "^(P[0-9]+) +(.+)$") 		if not pid then 			pid = b 		end 		 		local description, needLabel = findPropertyDescription(pid) 		if name or (description and not needLabel) then 			table.insert(result, "|-\n")  			table.insert(result, "|") 			table.insert(result, name or '') 			table.insert(result, "\n") 			 			table.insert(result, "|[[:d:Property:") 			table.insert(result, pid) 			table.insert(result, "|") 			table.insert(result, pid) 			table.insert(result, "]]\n") 			 			table.insert(result, "|") 			table.insert(result, description or '') 			table.insert(result, "\n") 		end 	end 	 	table.insert(result, "|-\n") 	table.insert(result, '!colspan="3"|'..resources.otherTitle..'\n') 	for i, b in ipairs(resources.bonus) do 		local pid, name = mw.ustring.match(b, "^(P[0-9]+) +(.+)$") 		if not pid then 			pid = b 		end 		 		local description, needLabel = findPropertyDescription(pid) 		if name or (description and not needLabel) then 			table.insert(result, "|-\n")  			table.insert(result, "|") 			table.insert(result, name or '') 			table.insert(result, "\n") 			 			table.insert(result, "|[[:d:Property:") 			table.insert(result, pid) 			table.insert(result, "|") 			table.insert(result, pid) 			table.insert(result, "]]\n") 			 			table.insert(result, "|") 			table.insert(result, description or '') 			table.insert(result, "\n") 		end 	end 	table.insert(result, "|}") 	 	return table.concat(result, "") end, 	 ["Pokaż"] = function (frame) 	 	local args = frame.args 	local parent = frame:getParent().args 	 	local entityId = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage() 	if (mw.title.getCurrentTitle() ~= 0) and (args[1] or parent[1]) then 		entityId = args[1] or parent[1] or entityId 	end  	if not entityId then 		return 	end 	 	local argStyle = 	 	local result = { 		-- typical result 		show(entityId, argStyle)	 	} 	 	local group = false 	local idGroupOfHumans = 'Q16334295' 	for i, v in ipairs(mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(entityId, "P31")) do 		if v.mainsnak.snaktype == "value" then 			local id = 			if id == idGroupOfHumans then 				group = true 				break 			end 			 			local status, r = pcall(mw.wikibase.getReferencedEntityId, id, 'P279', { idGroupOfHumans }) 			if not status then 				-- za dużo wywołań, max 3 				break 			end 			 			if r then 				group = true 				break 			end 		end 	end  	if group then 		local p527 = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(entityId, "P527") 		-- dodawaj nie więcej niż 5 osób dodatkowo 		if (#p527 > 0) and (#p527 <= 5) then 			for i, v in ipairs(p527) do 				if v.mainsnak.snaktype == "value" then 					local id = 					--	or "Q"..tostring(v.mainsnak.datavalue.value["numeric-id"]) 					if isHumanPerson(id) then 						local s = show(id, argStyle) 						if s then 							table.insert(result, s) 						end 					end 				end 			end 		end 	end 	 	-- czas na bonusy 	local genericPrinter = false -- lazy loaded 	 	local loadBonusSection = function (bonusTitle, bonusItems) 		local bonus = {} 		for i, b in ipairs(bonusItems) do 			local pid, name = mw.ustring.match(b, "^(P[0-9]+) +(.+)$") 			if not pid then 				pid = b 			end 			 			local prop = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(entityId, pid) 			if prop and (#prop > 0) then 				local description = name 				local needLabel = false 				if not description then 					description, needLabel = findPropertyDescription(pid) 				end 				if description and (#description > 0) and not needLabel then 					local expectedPattern = "^%[(%S+) (.-)%]$" 					local uids = {} 					for j, p in ipairs(prop) do 						if not p.mainsnak or (p.mainsnak.snaktype ~= "value") then 							local x ="Module:Kontrola autorytatywna/Pokaż/InvalidData").id 							mw.logObject(p, "KA BAD DATA") 						else 							-- lazy loading once 							genericPrinter = genericPrinter or require("Moduł:Wikidane/format/string") 							local s = genericPrinter.format(p.mainsnak, {}) 							if s and (#s > 0) then 								local link, id = mw.ustring.match(s, expectedPattern) 								if link then 									table.insert(uids, s) 								end 							end 						end 					end 					if #uids > 0 then 						local info = { 							show = function(s) 								local link, id = mw.ustring.match(s, expectedPattern) 								return id 							end, 							link = function(s) 								local link, id = mw.ustring.match(s, expectedPattern) 								return link 							end, 						} 						local hint, name = mw.ustring.match(description, "^%[%[(.-)|(.-)%]%]$") 						if hint then 							info.hint = hint = name 						else 							local sitelink = mw.ustring.match(description, "^%[%[(.-)%]%]$") 							if name then 								info.hint = sitelink = sitelink 							else 								info.hint = ":d:Property:" = description 							end 						end 						local formatItems = formats[argStyle] or formats.classic 						table.insert(bonus, "\n*"..formatItems(info, uids)) 					end 				end 			end 		end 		 		if #bonus > 0 then 			insertHeader(bonusTitle, (#result == 0) and entityId, bonus, "\n", "\n") 			for i, b in ipairs(bonus) do 				table.insert(result, b) 			end 		end 	end 	 	loadBonusSection(resources.encyklopediaTitle, resources.encyklopedie) 	loadBonusSection(resources.otherTitle, resources.bonus)  	if #result > 0 then 		table.insert(result, 1, '<div id="normdaten" class="catlinks">') 		table.insert(result, "</div>") 		return table.concat(result, "") 	end end,  ["Zestaw"] = function (frame) 	local t = frame.args["tytuł"] or "[[Kontrola autorytatywna]]" 	local e = frame.args["pusto"] 	local sd = require("Module:Wikidane/select") 	local f = require("Module:Wikidane/format") 	local result = {} 	local i = 1 	while true do 		local p = frame.args[i] 		if not p then 			break 		end 		 		local pid, qid, prop = sd.selectProperty(p, {}) 		if qid then 			local ppid, pqid, pprop = sd.selectProperty("P1629", {}, pid) 			if pqid then 				local s = "\n*", ppid, pprop)..":&nbsp;", pid, prop) 				table.insert(result, s) 			end 		end 		 		i = i + 1 	end 	 	if #result > 0 then 		table.insert(result, 1, '<div class="catlinks">') 		table.insert(result, 2, t) 		local pid, qid, prop = sd.selectProperty("P31", {}, nil, 1) 		table.insert(result, 3, qid and (" (", pid, prop).."):") or ":") 		table.insert(result, "</div>") 		return table.concat(result) 	end 	 	return e end,  }