Dirichlet character

In analytic number theory and related branches of mathematics, a complex-valued arithmetic function is a Dirichlet character of modulus (where is a positive integer) if for all integers and :[1]

  1. that is, is completely multiplicative.
  2. (gcd is the greatest common divisor)
  3. ; that is, is periodic with period .

The simplest possible character, called the principal character, usually denoted , (see Notation below) exists for all moduli:[2]

The German mathematician Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet—for whom the character is named—introduced these functions in his 1837 paper on primes in arithmetic progressions.[3][4]


is Euler's totient function.

is a complex primitive n-th root of unity:


is the group of units mod . It has order

is the group of Dirichlet characters mod .

etc. are prime numbers.

is a standard[5] abbreviation[6] for

etc. are Dirichlet characters. (the lowercase Greek letter chi for "character")

There is no standard notation for Dirichlet characters that includes the modulus. In many contexts (such as in the proof of Dirichlet's theorem) the modulus is fixed. In other contexts, such as this article, characters of different moduli appear. Where appropriate this article employs a variation of Conrey labeling (introduced by Brian Conrey and used by the LMFDB).

In this labeling characters for modulus are denoted where the index is described in the section the group of characters below. In this labeling, denotes an unspecified character and denotes the principal character mod .

Relation to group characters[edit]

The word "character" is used several ways in mathematics. In this section it refers to a homomorphism from a group (written multiplicatively) to the multiplicative group of the field of complex numbers:

The set of characters is denoted If the product of two characters is defined by pointwise multiplication the identity by the trivial character and the inverse by complex inversion then becomes an abelian group.[7]

If is a finite abelian group then[8] there are 1) an isomorphism and 2) the orthogonality relations:[9]


The elements of the finite abelian group are the residue classes where

A group character can be extended to a Dirichlet character by defining

and conversely, a Dirichlet character mod defines a group character on

Paraphrasing Davenport[10] Dirichlet characters can be regarded as a particular case of Abelian group characters. But this article follows Dirichlet in giving a direct and constructive account of them. This is partly for historical reasons, in that Dirichlet's work preceded by several decades the development of group theory, and partly for a mathematical reason, namely that the group in question has a simple and interesting structure which is obscured if one treats it as one treats the general Abelian group.

Elementary facts[edit]

4) Since property 2) says so it can be canceled from both sides of :


5) Property 3) is equivalent to

if   then

6) Property 1) implies that, for any positive integer

7) Euler's theorem states that if then Therefore,

That is, the nonzero values of are -th roots of unity:

for some integer which depends on and . This implies there are only a finite number of characters for a given modulus.

8) If and are two characters for the same modulus so is their product defined by pointwise multiplication:

  ( obviously satisfies 1-3).[12]

The principal character is an identity:

9) Let denote the inverse of in . Then

so which extends 6) to all integers.

The complex conjugate of a root of unity is also its inverse (see here for details), so for

  ( also obviously satisfies 1-3).

Thus for all integers

  in other words

10) The multiplication and identity defined in 8) and the inversion defined in 9) turn the set of Dirichlet characters for a given modulus into a finite abelian group.

The group of characters[edit]

There are three different cases because the groups have different structures depending on whether is a power of 2, a power of an odd prime, or the product of prime powers.[13]

Powers of odd primes[edit]

If is an odd number is cyclic of order ; a generator is called a primitive root mod .[14] Let be a primitive root and for define the function (the index of ) by

For if and only if Since

  is determined by its value at

Let be a primitive -th root of unity. From property 7) above the possible values of are These distinct values give rise to Dirichlet characters mod For define as

Then for and all and

showing that is a character and
which gives an explicit isomorphism

Examples m = 3, 5, 7, 9[edit]

2 is a primitive root mod 3.   ()

so the values of are


The nonzero values of the characters mod 3 are

2 is a primitive root mod 5.   ()

so the values of are


The nonzero values of the characters mod 5 are

3 is a primitive root mod 7.   ()

so the values of are


The nonzero values of the characters mod 7 are ()


2 is a primitive root mod 9.   ()

so the values of are


The nonzero values of the characters mod 9 are ()


Powers of 2[edit]

is the trivial group with one element. is cyclic of order 2. For 8, 16, and higher powers of 2, there is no primitive root; the powers of 5 are the units and their negatives are the units [15] For example

Let ; then is the direct product of a cyclic group of order 2 (generated by −1) and a cyclic group of order (generated by 5). For odd numbers define the functions and by

For odd and if and only if and For odd the value of is determined by the values of and

Let be a primitive -th root of unity. The possible values of are These distinct values give rise to Dirichlet characters mod For odd define by

Then for odd and and all and

showing that is a character and
showing that

Examples m = 2, 4, 8, 16[edit]

The only character mod 2 is the principal character .

−1 is a primitive root mod 4 ()

The nonzero values of the characters mod 4 are

−1 is and 5 generate the units mod 8 ()


The nonzero values of the characters mod 8 are

−1 and 5 generate the units mod 16 ()


The nonzero values of the characters mod 16 are


Products of prime powers[edit]

Let where be the factorization of into prime powers. The group of units mod is isomorphic to the direct product of the groups mod the :[16]

This means that 1) there is a one-to-one correspondence between and -tuples where and 2) multiplication mod corresponds to coordinate-wise multiplication of -tuples:

corresponds to

The Chinese remainder theorem (CRT) implies that the are simply

There are subgroups such that [17]


Then and every corresponds to a -tuple where and Every can be uniquely factored as [18] [19]

If is a character mod on the subgroup it must be identical to some mod Then

showing that every character mod is the product of characters mod the .

For define[20]

Then for and all and [21]

showing that is a character and
showing an isomorphism

Examples m = 15, 24, 40[edit]

The factorization of the characters mod 15 is

The nonzero values of the characters mod 15 are


The factorization of the characters mod 24 is

The nonzero values of the characters mod 24 are


The factorization of the characters mod 40 is

The nonzero values of the characters mod 40 are



Let , be the factorization of and assume

There are Dirichlet characters mod They are denoted by where is equivalent to The identity is an isomorphism [22]

Each character mod has a unique factorization as the product of characters mod the prime powers dividing :

If the product is a character where is given by and



The two orthogonality relations are[25]


The relations can be written in the symmetric form


The first relation is easy to prove: If there are non-zero summands each equal to 1. If there is[26] some  Then

[27]   implying
  Dividing by the first factor gives QED. The identity for shows that the relations are equivalent to each other.

The second relation can be proven directly in the same way, but requires a lemma[28]

Given there is a

The second relation has an important corollary: if define the function


That is the indicator function of the residue class . It is basic in the proof of Dirichlet's theorem.[29][30]

Classification of characters[edit]

Conductor; Primitive and induced characters[edit]

Any character mod a prime power is also a character mod every larger power. For example, mod 16[31]