BANCStar is a specialist computer programming language for financial applications. The language is an internal language for the National Financial Computer Services, Inc (later Broadway & Seymour) BANCStar application, which is software to automate the operations of a bank branch.[1][2]

The language is a fixed format four integer command language NFCS internally referred to as "Screen Code". It resembles an esoteric programming language; so much so that it has sometimes been mistaken for a joke language. Conceptually the BANCStar application executed "Screen Code" much like a primitive virtual machine. In the 5.1c release the only legal characters are the numerals 0–9, the comma, the minus sign and the carriage return. However, it is used in real commercial applications. It was originally intended as generated code from a user interface-building tool — similar to bytecode rendered in ASCII — but due to limitations in the tool, it became a directly programmed language in itself.[3]

The BANCStar 10.0 release changed the "Screen Code" format to binary, and rearranged the numeric codes into an opcode with a variable number of parameter integers. The 10.0 opcode encoded a bit mapped length value that indicated the length of the command in words.

Sample BANCStar 5.1c Screen Code[edit]

8607,,,1 11547,15475,22002,22002 1316,1629,1,1649 3001,1316,3,30078 11528,22052,22002,22002 9301,0,1528,1528 31568,10001,800,107 8560,,,1568 8550,210,, 3001,,, 3100,1316,3,30089 11547,15475,22002,22002 3001,1316,3,30089 3001,1317,3,10000 8400,,, 8550,700,801, 3001,,, 9301,0,522,522 3000,1284,3,10001 8500,,3, 8500,,5, 1547,,1,-2301



  1. ^ Broadway & Seymour's WinPrism To Debut in Early 1997 (press release), The Free library, 15 October 1996.
  2. ^ Banks form front line in battle for operating system dominance, By Thomas Hoffman, Computerworld 27 Feb 1995, Page 41, ...Indeed, most...third-party branch banking packages originally written for OS/2...have been rewritten for Windows, for example, Charlotte, N.C. based Broadway and Seymour, Inc's BancStar platform automation package will ship for Windows later this year...
  3. ^ a b Loughry, Joseph ‘Joe’, "BANCStar", The Turing Tarpit, Reo cities, archived from the original on 2011-07-25, retrieved 2010-05-16.

External links[edit]