
財產法(英語:Property law)是有關各種不動產動產所有权法律。財產包括各種受到法律保護的資源主張,例如土地和動產,也包括知识产权[1]。財產可以透過契约交換,若財產權利受到侵害,可以提出侵权行为訴訟以保護自身權利[1]

有關財產的概念或是財產法的基礎。在有些司法管轄地區中,以往所有的財產都是君主所有,透過封建土地制度英语feudal land tenure或是其他強調忠誠的封建制度下放到人民。


奧蘭多·帕特森英语Orlando Patterson認為古代的罗马財產法是以擁有奴隸英语Slavery in ancient Rome為基礎[2]



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Merrill, Thomas W. Property. Smith, Henry E. New York: Oxford University Press. 2010. ISBN 978-0-19-971808-5. OCLC 656424368. 
  2. ^ Orrell, David; Chlupatý, Roman. The Evolution of Money. New York: Columbia University Press. 14 June 2016: 27 [31 March 2023]. ISBN 9780231541671. (原始内容存档于2023-03-31). The Romans had enormous respect for property, especially land and slaves (which were the two most economically important kinds), and much of their legal system was devoted to defining and protecting ownership. [...] [A]ccording to sociologist Orlando Patterson, [...] Roman property law is based on the ownership of slaves. 
  3. ^ Makdisi, John. Islamic Property Law: Cases and Materials for Comparative Analysis with the Common Law. Carolina Academic Press. 2005. ISBN 1-59460-110-0. 
