Référence:Introduction à l'algorithmique


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MIT Press 1990

[modifier le code]
Title = {Introduction to Algorithms},
Language = {anglais},
Publisher = {MIT Press},
Year = {1990},
ISBN = {0-262-03141-8},

McGraw-Hill 1992

[modifier le code]
Title = {Introduction to Algorithms},
Language = {anglais},
Publisher = {McGraw-Hill},
Year = {1992},
ISBN = {0-07-013143-0},

Dunod 1994

[modifier le code]
Title = {Introduction à l'algorithmique},
Language = {français},
Publisher = {Dunod},
Year = {1994},

MIT Press 2001

[modifier le code]
Title = {Introduction to Algorithms},
Language = {anglais},
Publisher = {MIT Press et McGraw-Hill},
Year = {2001},
ISBN = {978-0-262-03293-3},
ISBN = {978-0-262-53196-2},
LCCN = {2001031277},

Dunod 2002

[modifier le code]
Title = {Introduction à l'algorithmique},
Language = {français},
Publisher = {Dunod},
Year = {2002},
ISBN = {2-10-003922-9},

MIT Press 2009

[modifier le code]
Title = {Introduction to Algorithms},
Language = {anglais},
Publisher = {MIT Press},
Year = {2009},
ISBN = {978-0-262-03384-8},

Dunod 2010

[modifier le code]
Title = {Algorithmique} : Cours avec 957 exercices et 158 problèmes,
Language = {français},
Publisher = {Dunod},
Year = {2010},
ISBN = {978-2-10-054526-1},