
local p = {} local data = require("Module:لغات/بيانات") local scripts = { 	["-latn"] = " لاتينية", 	["-cyrl"] = " سيريلية", 	["-arab"] = " عربية" } local function isvalid(x) 	if x and x ~= "" then 		return x 	end 	return nil end  local function gsubname(temp, the, code) 	local al = data.lang_name_with_al[code] or data.lang_name_with_al[code:lower()] 	if al then 		return al 	end 	if isvalid(the) then 		return "ال" .. string.gsub(temp, " ", " ال") 	end 	return temp end  local function LatnCyrl(code, al, number, returnnil) 	local ar_name = "" 	code = code:lower() 	number = (number or 0) + 1 	local e = string.sub(code, -5) -- 5 from the end until the end 	local s = string.gsub(code, e, "") 	local d = p.getname(s, "", number) 	local co = "" and isvalid(returnnil) or code  	if isvalid(d) and scripts[e] then 		ar_name = d .. scripts[e] 	end  	if ar_name == "" then 		return co 	end 	return gsubname(ar_name, al, code) end  function p.getcode(code) 	local s = code 	s = string.gsub(code, " ", "") 	return data.lang_name[s] or data.lang_name[s:lower()] or data.lang_name_with_al[s:lower()] end  function p.get_name_from_code(code) 	return p.getcode(code) end  function p.getname(code, al, number, returnnil) 	number = (number or 0) + 1 	if number and number > 3 then 		return nil 	end 	if not isvalid(code) then 		return "" 	end 	if string.find(code, "[)|(]") then 		return code 	end 	code = string.gsub(code, " ", "") 	local fi 	local name = p.get_name_from_code(code) 	if isvalid(name) then 		fi = gsubname(name, al, code) 	else 		fi = LatnCyrl(code, al, number, returnnil) 	end 	return fi end  local function get_code_from_name(name) 	if data.lang_codes[name] then 		return data.lang_codes[name] 	end 	for ss, v in pairs(data.lang_table) do 		if (name == p.getname(ss, "t") or name == p.getname(ss, "")) then 			return ss 		else 			for q, codee in pairs(v.codes) do 				if (name == p.getname(codee, "t") or name == p.getname(codee, "")) then 					return codee 				elseif (name == p.getname(ss .. "-cyrl", "t") or name == p.getname(ss .. "-cyrl", "")) then 					return ss .. "-cyrl" 				elseif (name == p.getname(ss .. "-latn", "t") or name == p.getname(ss .. "-latn", "")) then 					return ss .. "-latn" 				elseif (name == p.getname(ss .. "-arab", "t") or name == p.getname(ss .. "-arab", "")) then 					return ss .. "-arab" 				end 			end 		end 	end end  local function make_cat(lange) 	if lange == "ar" or lange == "ara" then 		return "" 	end 	local c = p.getname(lange, "t")  	return "[[تصنيف:مقالات تحوي نصا ب" .. (c or lange) .. "]]" end  p["اسم لغة"] = function(frame) 	local na = frame.args[1] 	if not isvalid(na) then 		return "" 	end 	local code = p.getname(frame.args[1], frame.args[2], 0, frame.args["nil"]) 	return frame:preprocess(code) end  p["قالب رمز لغة"] = function(frame) 	local lange = frame.args[1] 	local text = frame.args[2] 	if not isvalid(lange) then 		return "" 	end 	lange = string.gsub(lange, " ", "") 	lange = lange:lower() 	local textout = mw.text.tag("span", {lang = lange}, text) 	local cate = make_cat(lange)  	return textout .. cate end  p["رمز لغة"] = function(frame) 	local na = frame.args[1] 	if isvalid(na) then 		return get_code_from_name(na) or get_code_from_name(gsubname(na, "t", "")) 	else 		return "" 	end end  p["قائمة"] = function(frame) 	local list = mw.html.create("table") 	list:addClass("wikitable sortable collapsible") 	list:tag("tr"):tag("th"):wikitext("رمز"):tag("th"):wikitext("تضمين قالب"):tag("th"):wikitext("وصلة"):tag("th"):wikitext( 		"اسم" 	):tag("th"):wikitext("التحويلات")  	for code, nam in pairs(data.lang_table) do 		local temp = nam.name 		local rsr = "{{اسم آيزو 639 " .. code .. "}}" 		local er = "[[قالب:اسم آيزو 639 " .. code .. "]]" 		local dd = "\n[[لغة " .. temp .. "]]" 		local ooo = "اللغة " .. gsubname(temp, "r", code)  		local row = list:tag("tr") 		row:tag("td"):tag("span"):wikitext(er)  		row:tag("td"):tag("span"):wikitext(frame:preprocess(rsr))  		row:tag("td"):tag("span"):wikitext(dd)  		row:tag("td"):tag("span"):wikitext(ooo)  		local rr = row:tag("td") 		for k, v in pairs(nam.codes) do 			local u 			if isvalid(v) then 				u = v 			end 			rr:tag("code"):wikitext(u) 			rr:tag("span"):wikitext(" - ") 		end 	end 	return list end  return p