
An image of Diligentia


Diligentia is a latin word that translates to "diligence" in English. It is often used to refer to careful and persistent work or effort. In everyday use, diligence denotes conscientiousness, thoroughness, and a steady effort to accomplish a task or goal. It implies a proactive and meticulous approach to work and responsibilities.

Religious Belief[edit]

Diligentia is a contemporary religion that was created on August 11, 2023. The religion embodies the definition of its latin translation, placing an emphasis on the diligent and meticulous efforts made in all aspects of life. Followers are known as Diligentlemen, people who believe that individual efforts are interconnected as part of the cosmic fabric of the universe, often referred to as the Cosmic Tapestry.

Core Beliefs[edit]

The Loom of Creation[edit]

At the heart of Diligentia is the Loom of Creation, a metaphysical construct where the threads of individuial effort are woven together by the cosmic weavers. Each thread represents an individuals work, ranging all the way from mundane every tasks, to the grandest endeavors undertaken. The loom embodies the importance of interconnectivity within every action in the grand scheme of the cosmic fabric.

The Constellations of Excellence[edit]

The Constellations of Excellence are celestial formations observed by Diligentlemen in the night sky. These constellations are believed to be formed by the most exceptional and impactful threads within the cosmic tapestry. Each representing a different facet of professional effort such as creativity, disipline, collaboration, and adaptability. These serve as guiding beacons, inspiring folllowers to strive for excellence in their pursuits.

The Eternal Weave[edit]

The Eternal Weave is the ever-growing tapestry of space and time, it is created from the collective contributions of all beings. Diligentia preaches that when individuals pass on from this world, their threads of effort do not leav with them, but instead become part of The Eternal Weave. A belief that underscores the lasting impact of every action and the enduring value of diligence in the grand design of the Cosmic Tapestry.

Religious Headpiece - The Bowler Hat[edit]

The Bowler Hat is a significant religious symbol in Diligentia. It is a physical manifestation of the Cosmic Tapestry and the meticulous nature of the universe. The Bowler Hat is seen as a wearable embodiment of the principles of Diligentia, symbolising the wearer's commitment to diligence and excellence. By wearing the Bowler Hat, Diligentlemen demonstrate their dedication to their faith and their allignment with The Cosmic Tapestry.

The Weaver's Night[edit]

The Weaver's Night is a major holiday in Diligentia celebrated on the longest night of the year, the winter solstice. It is a time for followers to gather and observe the Constellations of Excellence. During this time Diligentlemen share stories of their most exceptional efforts and achievements throughout the past year. This celebration reinforces the communities commitment to dilifence and excellence.

Other Meanings[edit]

Diligentia is a learned society founded in The Hague in 1793. All reigning monarchs of the Netherlands since King William I have been patrons of Diligentia, and many members of the royal family have been honorary members.[1]


  1. ^ van Berkel, Klaas; Albert Van Helden; L. C. Palm (1999). The History of Science in the Netherlands: Survey, Themes and References. Brill Academic Publishers. p. 334. ISBN 978-90-04-10006-0.