Felidi più grandi esistenti

Confronto tra le dimensioni tipiche del leone e della tigre.

La seguente lista dei felidi più grandi esistenti comprende le dieci specie di Felidae, ordinate per peso e dimensione massimi registrati per individui allo stato selvatico.

La lista non comprende esemplari ibridi.

Pos. Nome comune Nome scientifico Immagine Peso massimo
Altezza al
garrese (m)
Continenti Areale Stato di conservazione
1 Tigre Panthera tigris 388,7
(non verificato)[1][2]
4.17 [3] 1,27 Asia
In pericolo
2 Leone Panthera leo 313 (in natura[4][5],
3,64 1,35 Asia, Africa
3 Giaguaro Panthera onca 160[7][8] 2,8 [9] 1,0 Nord e Sud America
Prossimo alla minaccia
4 Puma Puma concolor 125,2[10] 2,8[10] 1,0 Nord e Sud America
Rischio minimo
5 Leopardo Panthera pardus 96,5[8] 2,75 [11][12] 0,9 Asia, Africa ed Europa
6 Ghepardo Acinonyx jubatus 75 [13] 2,5 [14][15][16] 1,0 Africa, Asia
7 Leopardo delle nevi Panthera uncia 75[17][18] 2,5[17][18] 0,75 Asia
8 Lince europea Lynx lynx 45[19] 1,5[7][20] 0,75 Asia, Europa
Rischio minimo
9 Leopardo nebuloso del Borneo Neofelis diardi 27 1,9 [21] 0,65 Asia
10 Leopardo nebuloso Neofelis nebulosa 23 1,9 [22] 0,7 Asia
  1. ^ (EN) A. Kitchener e N. Yamaguchi, What is a Tiger? Biogeography, Morphology, and Taxonomy, in Tigers of the World: The Science, Politics and Conservation of Panthera tigris, Academic Press, 2009, pp. 53-84, ISBN 978-0-08-094751-8.
  2. ^ (EN) Tom Brakefield, Tiger: Phantom stripes, in Big Cats: Kingdom of Might, Voyageur Press, 1993, pp. 32-47, ISBN 978-0-89658-329-0.
  3. ^ V. G. Heptner, Mammals of the Soviet Union, Volume 2 Part 2 Carnivora (Hyenas and Cats), 1989, ISBN 9004088768.
  4. ^ (EN) G. L. Wood, The Guinness Book of Animal Facts and Feats, Guinness Superlatives, 1976, ISBN 978-0-900424-60-1.
  5. ^ (EN) G. L. Wood, The Guinness Book of Animal Facts and Feats, Sterling Publishing, 1983, ISBN 978-0-85112-235-9.
  6. ^ (EN) East African Business Digest, in University Press of Africa, with contributions from the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce & Industry, 1963. URL consultato il 18 marzo 2018.
  7. ^ a b (EN) Ronald M. Nowak, Carnivora, Felidae, in Walker's Mammals of the World, vol. 2, Baltimora, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999, pp. 797-836, ISBN 0-8018-5789-9.
  8. ^ a b (EN) David Burnie e Don E. Wilson, Animal: The Definitive Visual Guide to the World's Wildlife, New York, Dorling Kindersley, 2001, ISBN 0-7894-7764-5.
  9. ^ Jaguar, su dinoanimals.com.
  10. ^ a b (EN) Maurice Hornocker, Cougar: Ecology and Conservation, University of Chicago Press, 2010, ISBN 0-226-35344-3.
  11. ^ A. E. Pease, Of dangerous game, in The Book of the Lion, London, John Murray, 1913, pp. 46–68.
  12. ^ C. K. Brain, The Hunter or the Hunted: An Introduction to African Cave Taphonomy, University of Chicago Press, 1983, ISBN 978-0-226-07090-2.
  13. ^ Mary Fitzpatrick, Tanzania, Lonely Planet, 2010, ISBN 9781742203843. URL consultato il 17 gennaio 2016.
  14. ^ 27 Interesting Cheetah Facts, su newinterestingfacts.com, 31 gennaio 2017.
    «Cheetah's tails can be nearly 3 feet long, or over 80cm long. Taking these measurements together makes some cheetahs nearly 8 feet long, or over 230cm long, from their nose to the tip of their tail»
  15. ^ About Cheetahs, su cheetah.org.
    «They can measure from 40 to 60 inches in length, measured from the head to the hind quarters. The tail can add a further 24 to 32 inches bringing the total overall length up to 7.5 feet.»
  16. ^ Cheetah, su discoverwildlife.com.
  17. ^ a b (EN) Luigi Boitani, Guide to Mammals, Simon & Schuster / Touchstone Books, 1984, ISBN 978-0-671-42805-1.
  18. ^ a b (EN) H. Hemmer, Uncia uncia, in Mammalian Species, vol. 20, 1972, pp. 1-5, DOI:10.2307/3503882, JSTOR 3503882.
  19. ^ (EN) San Diego Zoo's Animal Bytes: Lynx, in SanDiegoZoo.org, San Diego Zoo Global.
  20. ^ (EN) Amanda Page, Win Kirkpatrick, e Marion Massam, Risk Assessment for Australia – Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx), Government of Western Australia: Department of Agriculture and Food, gennaio 2008, pp. 1-18.
  21. ^ Sunda Clouded Leopard, su wildcatconservation.org, 21 dicembre 2012.
  22. ^ Clouded Leopard, su wildcatconservation.org, 21 dicembre 2012.

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